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Cameron, Pathetic.

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But if it's on liberalconspiracy.org, it must be FACT! :hihi:


The Liberal Conspiracy link was to the interview with Cameron where he forgot how many houses he owns.


If you don't believe that link then:


"I own a house in North Kensington and my house in the constituency in Oxfordshire and that is, as far as I know, all I have. Do not make me sound like a prat for not knowing how many houses I’ve got."


David Cameron, talking to Ginny Dougary for The Times, in 2009.

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Having closed 13,000 NHS beds and services since 1997, Labour is now moving rapidly, under the direction of Health Secretary Alan Milburn, to privatise NHS care provision, contracting for services in the independent foreign and domestic markets. The first tranche of hand-picked NHS patients has gone to France for cataract and joint surgery and in the south-east the government is contracting with a small private hospital for 5,000 operations.




Pot calling kettle black eh?

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You think there are no links between tories and profiteering from the carve-up of the NHS?

The Liberal Conspiracy link was to the interview with Cameron where he forgot how many houses he owns.


If you don't believe that link then:



You still don't have any sort of grip on facts.


What on earth do they teach in schools now, is the sort of pish poor fact finding and analysis that is encouraged in education? It's a good job that breathing is autonomic or you'd need constant supervision.


You should probably stay away from bitches in season.

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You still don't have any sort of grip on facts.



I can't believe you missed this story tony, it was in the papers and everything!


Tories show their true colours on NHS privatisation

Yesterday, when the scrutinising eyes of the media were firmly fixed on the Murdochs’ evidence to Parliament, the Government made an announcement that shows their true colours on the NHS – the privatisation of £1 billion of NHS services.


Starting in April, whole swathes of the services our NHS provides will be opened up to the private sector – including wheelchair provision for children.


If their plans are deemed to be “successful”, the next step will be allowing private companies to provide some maternity services, as well as home chemotherapy.


It’s worth reading this Guardian article from yesterday: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/jul/19/nhs-services-open-to-competition


This move proves once and for all that our NHS is not safe in the Tories’ hands. Their first move may be privatising children’s wheelchairs, but where will it end? Quite possibly with an NHS badge stuck on a privatised health service – and with profits coming before patients.


Did you really not know this was happening?

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I think Cameron has upset many Labour supporter by avoiding the double dip recession that so many of them had predicted and wanted so much.


Are the boom times back?

Lets see what state the British economy is in at the beginning of next year before hailing Cameron a saviour.

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I can't remember how many CDs I own, what's your point?


You suggested the story wasn't true. You accept now that it is true that Cameron can't even remember how many houses he owns, or are you saying The Times made the story up?

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I can't believe you missed this story tony, it was in the papers and everything!




Did you really not know this was happening?


Do you think there is a state owned children's wheelchair factory, storage and delivery service?


Do you?


Do you think there is any reason that there should be?

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