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Cameron, Pathetic.

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Again with the avoiding-a-straight answer.


Do you think there is a state owned children's wheelchair factory, storage and delivery service?


Do you?


Do you think there is any reason that there should be?

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You think that we should care. We don't, we're grown ups.


Do you think there is a state owned children's wheelchair factory, storage and delivery service?


Do you?


Do you think there is any reason that there should be?

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The Secretary of State for Health, Andrew Lansley received donations from the wife of John Nash, chairman of Care UK a company which is set to reap vast profits from the Health Reform Bill. In fact Caroline Nash has given £203,500 to the Tories over the past five years. But the donations to Lansley are particularly troubling, surely there’s a conflict of interest that should bar him from the office of Secretary of State for Health, however not something that seems to worry the Tory leader, David Cameron.


As an aside what on earth did Lansley get a CBE for? Running the Tories 1992 election campaign is the answer. Now I could get completely off the point here, I’ll just say it’s about time the bankrupt system of honours was abolished, along with royalty come to that.


Back to the NHS, then there’s Dolar Popat chief executive of TLC Health Care who gave the Tories £200,000 and promptly received a peerage. Then there’s Tory MP Mark Simmonds who’s paid £50,000 a year for ten hours work a month by Circle Health the first company awarded control of a NHS hospital by the Tories.


Clegg’s no better his party have accepted around a million pounds from tax dodging non-doms Alpha Health Care since 2004.


I could go on but the point being made is being under reported by in the media, I guess they want a slice of the action themselves, maybe a nice peerage, maybe they’re afraid they’ll lose access to government ministers? Who knows? But it’s about time we woke up and smelled the bull**** before it’s too late.


Like anything there’s always improvements that can be made and the NHS is certainly no different, but handing it to private companies isn’t the answer, they’ll be motivated by profit, not health, you only have to look at the USA to see how badly that turns out, if you’re in any doubt check out the film Sicko it should dis-spell them.




Seriously,you didn't know this was going on Tone?

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Is this some sort of revelation that we should care about? You should read the other posts so that you at least get the barest semblance of knowledge.



Having closed 13,000 NHS beds and services since 1997, Labour is now moving rapidly, under the direction of Health Secretary Alan Milburn, to privatise NHS care provision, contracting for services in the independent foreign and domestic markets. The first tranche of hand-picked NHS patients has gone to France for cataract and joint surgery and in the south-east the government is contracting with a small private hospital for 5,000 operations.



Pot calling kettle black eh?



Do you think there is a state owned children's wheelchair factory, storage and delivery service?


Do you?


Do you think there is any reason that there should be

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Give the poor twit a break. He was born with that face and he cannot help the way he talks, like he is sucking a boiled egg. He will be ok. He has the Cleggmiester to tuck him in and bring him his copy of "Choirboy Weekly" from the local newsagent. So what if he looks like a dead ringer for a slightly camp Sylvester Stallone? Im sure he is ok deep down beneath all that constant bullcrap he talks. Is he the most convincing Prime Minister weve ever had? Err, nope.

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