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London met uni considering banning alcohol for its muslim students.

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The thread is about a London uni considering changing their license laws. It's difficult to see how children being stoned to death has much to do with the subject. have the muslim students at London Met been stoning children to death?

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The thread is about a London uni considering changing their license laws. It's difficult to see how children being stoned to death has much to do with the subject. have the muslim students at London Met been stoning children to death?
I wasn't the one who raised the claim that the Muslim culture is superior to ours. Take up your gripe with somebody else sunshine.
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I wasn't the one who raised the claim that the Muslim culture is superior to ours. Take up your gripe with somebody else sunshine.


No, but in arguing against muslim attitudes to alcohol you cited children being stoned to death, which is rather odd. You're effectively slagging off London muslim students for acts carried out by completely different people, in a different country.

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the typical British mentality of drink till you spew

What's wrong with that? I consider that a step in learning about sensible drinking. Nearly everyone who has tried alcohol has had times when they've gone a little too far.


Celebrating drinking to that point is where British culture fails, but I wouldn't call it typical. I certainly wouldn't use it to glorify Islamic attitudes to alcohol.

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No, but in arguing against muslim attitudes to alcohol you cited children being stoned to death, which is rather odd. You're effectively slagging off London muslim students for acts carried out by completely different people, in a different country.


it's never stopped him before...

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Also worth noting is the following statement by the London Met branch of the University and College Union:


1. London Met Uni has some 25,000+ students studying in over a dozen buildings – all of which have alcohol-free coffee bars/student areas, across two distinctly separate campus areas in North and East London, with only a single student bar at each campus (the only places that serve alcohol at the university).


2. There have been no complaints or demands from students directly or via the students union for alcohol to be either banned, or partially-banned, on campus.


3. Gillies is currently selling off large sections of the university estate, including 'The Hub' –the student union facility (inc student bar) at the City Campus. The VC's comments need to be seen in that light – i.e., they are simply a convenient cover for reducing student social facilities.


4. The language adopted by the VC in this regard is extremely divisive and is already stoking tensions where none had previously existed between the multiplicity of London Met's student constituencies. The fact that the EDL (English Defence League) and other extreme Right and fascist groups have latched on to this is a major concern.


5. If Gillies were serious about student welfare and wider social and cultural equality and fairness, why has he personally defended the following university management decisions:


i) direct links with the Uzbekistan regime – noted for the torture of its opponents (primarily Muslim incidentally), and forced sterilisation of woman (see this week's BBC report on the issue – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01fjx63)


ii) cutting of most of the university's student chaplaincy service – including the forced redundancy of the Imam;


iii) the drastic reduction in the opening hours of the Women's Library (down to only 1 day per week), and its eventual closure;


All of this is happening at a time of huge cuts to student courses/modules – including the majority of the 'critical' subjects – such as philosophy and history, and mass redundancies amongst staff – both academic and student service related.


At best, Gillies utterances are a crass example of the disconnect becoming more and more evident at London Met between university management and the staff and students they supposedly represent. At worst, it is a quite cynical attempt to stir-up a divisive atmosphere in order to deflect attention from the far more serious issue of the deliberate destruction of a once proud inner city ethnically mixed and vibrant modern university.





So, no muslims complained, it seems cuts to university services are needed and, inexplicably since they offered no opinion on the subject, muslim students are not only being blamed for the suggestion, they're being called child-killers.


Hysteria, much?

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Claire Locke, the president of London Metropolitan University students’ union has said this.


Malcolm Gillies had “offended” Muslim students by generalising about their beliefs. There had been no calls from students to create alcohol-free areas on the London Met campus.




Ms Locke argued that London Met’s Muslim students were “respectful of other people’s cultures”. Muslim students’ union officers were currently fighting for a new student bar to be opened at the university’s City campus, she added.




Ms Locke said it was not true that Muslim students did not drink, and that in the previous academic year three out of the four Muslim students’ union officers had drunk alcohol. “He should retract the comments and apologise to the students he has offended,” she said.


Hope that clears a few things up.

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