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London met uni considering banning alcohol for its muslim students.

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considering the news report on this has the headline "London Metropolitan University mulls alcohol ban for 'conservative Muslim students'" its perfectly acceptable to take that on face value. So accusing someone of spreading misinformation is a tad harsh.


That depends on whether the person(s) highlighting the news reports knows whether they're accurate or not. There's so much rubbish in the papers that someone could put up a post entitled World War 2 Bomber Found On Moon and claim the Sport's article was irrefutable evidence because it's in the papers. Anyone quoting an article from the Mail, Sun, Express, etc, is usually a right-wing nutter looking to have their prejudices confirmed regardless of the truth. Or they seriously do believe that Prince Philip had Diana bumped off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just found a very interesting article on the telegraph news page,to attract more muslim students they are considering banning alcohol.We all know uni kids do like a good drink..Not sure if the latest spin will go down too well.


heres the link to the telegraph




What do you make of it.


20% Muslim students. Seems fair to have none alcoholic areas.

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I didn't know that they couldn't go where alcohol was being sold. Is it against their religion to be near alcohol then? I assumed they could just go there and drink soft drinks like any other teetotaler.

How do they cope when they are selling it?


They can go where it is being sold as far as I know (as long as they're not involved with the selling, drinking or profit from it).


They shouldn't be selling it according to the hadith, technically selling it is unIslamic as far as I can tell.


Plain Talker may be able to clarify more, she seems to be the most knowledgeable on these forums regarding Islam in my opinion.

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Bah, who dragged up this old thread? I thought it was dead and buried and all it seems is people re-going over old ground and opinions.


Welcome to Sheffield, the city of the future :roll:


No doubt I'll see you on here in another six months.

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I do think he's one of the lizard people.


Question on The Million Pound Drop this weekend:


Which of these members of the royal family is worshipped as a god by some South Pacific islanders?


Prince Philip

Prince Charles

Prince William

Prince Harry


Watching the contestants spread their money over the last three, and left Prince Philip free, left me quite concerned about the general knowledge of our youngsters these days.



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Co-incidentally, "V" is on CBS Action this month!


The original series or the recent reboot?


The reboot got to the end of season 2 then dropped off the edge of a cliff :confused:


It's not known as the ABC network for nothing: Always Being Cancelled

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