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Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?  

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  1. 1. Do you believe in God?

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But the flood was in the Old Testament, you yourself said 'I think he realised he'd made a a fatal mistake trusting humanity to use the brain he gave them in the way he'd intended and decided to start again!!', so you clearly believe in the flood story, why that and not the other parts of the old testament?


I don't like to use this term, it's usually the reserve of atheists who are obsessed with their own superiority over religion, but you really do seem to 'Cherry Pick' what you want from the Bible.


Do you think Jesus was God then? I'm trying to establish your position because you're not making yourself very clear.


I'm also not sure about you saying 'That doesn't sound very divine to me', why? Divinity isn't a prerequisite for a certain set of moral principles, it merely means Godlike, or trancendental, so why couldn't such a being do what they choose? The Bible certainly suggests that God does what he pleases wether it is harmful or not to his creation.


So let me rephrase my question in order to get a clearer answer.


Specifically which parts of the Bible do you accept and why do you accept them?


It seems to me like you accept the parts which fit in with your own moral framework of the world, isn't that just man creating God in his own image?


I will repeat I'm not taking the mic, I'm genuinely interested but you really do seem to be cherry picking, and I'm more than a little confused :huh:


IF it's cherry picking, isn't that what men have been doing with the bible txts since they were discovered. deciding which should go in the 'good book' and which shouldn't ? Why should they have that divine right and not Me? Am I not as much a child of my maker ?

I think its common sense with anything to sift the wheat from the chaff. Only the very gullable believe everything they are told to surely?

I know the flood was in the old testament and to the people of that time it would seem like their all world had been destroyed and attribute it to the wrath of a vengeful God because his people had strayed from the path he set them upon. The bible only discusses the fate of 'His chosen people' 'the children of Israel' who lived around the eastern end of the Med. Thats is the world of the Bible writers. I think it is perfectly possible that He could have sent a flood to destroy them and leave other parts of the earth unaffected, It is equally possible for it to have been a natural consequence of earth movement, climate change or whatever but does it really matter- it was along time ago.

I do not disbelieve all other parts of the old testament, but I do believe it was written by men-- and like the fisherman who catches a 6" perch that becomes a 6' Pike or a game of chinese whispers, the stories that eventually get recorded whilst having foundation may not be acurate any more than mans interpretation of those events are necessarily what God intended.

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Sorry i didn't mean to sound rude,its just that when i saw your post....I just thought...

There goes Roots....evidence! evidence! :)


Actually, if you read through my posts it's not very often I ask for any evidence. You'd be forgiven for thinking so though :)


EDIT: as in, using the actual word "evidence". I ask for examples or source material when claims are made.

Edited by RootsBooster
no evidence!
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Absolutely! I always said that since men were responsible for the bible and picked and chose what went into it, it can't be taken as the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth !!


By that logic, why should anyone think that ANY of the bible is true?

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It's not really sensible that a wise, good and divine being would create the universe at all since it's major function seems to be to cause suffering in a large proportion of the vanishingly small percentage of it that is us.


However, cherry picking bits of the bible and applying this filter does remove a lot I agree.


On the other hand it depends on your personal point of view as to which bits are wise and which bits are good.


So two people applying that filter can come up with wildly different versions of what can be attributed to a god and what can be attributed to a man.


Good points for discussion though. maybe what God really wants is for us to discuss and think about the rest of creation a lot more than we do. A church where people sit down together and put forward their views and research, all religious texts for themselves instead of listening to someone totally unqualified telling them they are all sinners would make more sense. The problem stems from this 'made in His own image' business- giving man the idea that this is all for us and we are the ultimate aim of everything. The universe existed millions of years without us in it and would do very nicely without us in it now!

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IF it's cherry picking, isn't that what men have been doing with the bible txts since they were discovered. deciding which should go in the 'good book' and which shouldn't ? Why should they have that divine right and not Me? Am I not as much a child of my maker ?

I think its common sense with anything to sift the wheat from the chaff. Only the very gullable believe everything they are told to surely?

I know the flood was in the old testament and to the people of that time it would seem like their all world had been destroyed and attribute it to the wrath of a vengeful God because his people had strayed from the path he set them upon. The bible only discusses the fate of 'His chosen people' 'the children of Israel' who lived around the eastern end of the Med. Thats is the world of the Bible writers. I think it is perfectly possible that He could have sent a flood to destroy them and leave other parts of the earth unaffected, It is equally possible for it to have been a natural consequence of earth movement, climate change or whatever but does it really matter- it was along time ago.

I do not disbelieve all other parts of the old testament, but I do believe it was written by men-- and like the fisherman who catches a 6" perch that becomes a 6' Pike or a game of chinese whispers, the stories that eventually get recorded whilst having foundation may not be acurate any more than mans interpretation of those events are necessarily what God intended.


This doesn't answer Palirichard's question at all.



IF it's cherry picking

I think its common sense with anything to sift the wheat from the chaff.


you are describing the same thing in two different ways there.




Only the very gullable believe everything they are told to surely?


this is the definition of "gullible":


Pronunciation: /ˈgʌlɪb(ə)l/


easily persuaded to believe something; credulous:


How many people, who believe any of the bible is true, do you think were difficult to persuade?

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IF it's cherry picking, isn't that what men have been doing with the bible txts since they were discovered. deciding which should go in the 'good book' and which shouldn't ? Why should they have that divine right and not Me? Am I not as much a child of my maker ?

I think its common sense with anything to sift the wheat from the chaff. Only the very gullable believe everything they are told to surely?

I know the flood was in the old testament and to the people of that time it would seem like their all world had been destroyed and attribute it to the wrath of a vengeful God because his people had strayed from the path he set them upon. The bible only discusses the fate of 'His chosen people' 'the children of Israel' who lived around the eastern end of the Med. Thats is the world of the Bible writers. I think it is perfectly possible that He could have sent a flood to destroy them and leave other parts of the earth unaffected, It is equally possible for it to have been a natural consequence of earth movement, climate change or whatever but does it really matter- it was along time ago.

I do not disbelieve all other parts of the old testament, but I do believe it was written by men-- and like the fisherman who catches a 6" perch that becomes a 6' Pike or a game of chinese whispers, the stories that eventually get recorded whilst having foundation may not be acurate any more than mans interpretation of those events are necessarily what God intended.


Forgive me for banging the same drum....


Do YOU believe the world, or just a local area was flooded? Do YOU believe that it was a punishment by God? If so WHY do you believe this particular story over others?


Do you believe Jesus was God or just a man?


What makes you believe the bits you decide to believe, is it all the common sense bits and dismiss the rest? Or is there some other selection process?


Why are you selectively answering my questions instead of addressing each point. And finally there is no IF, you're cherry picking, and I hate using that term but you are, I'm just trying to ascertain what bits you're picking and WHY you're picking them.

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Forgive me for banging the same drum....


Do YOU believe the world, or just a local area was flooded? Do YOU believe that it was a punishment by God? If so WHY do you believe this particular story over others?


Do you believe Jesus was God or just a man?


What makes you believe the bits you decide to believe, is it all the common sense bits and dismiss the rest? Or is there some other selection process?


Why are you selectively answering my questions instead of addressing each point. And finally there is no IF, you're cherry picking, and I hate using that term but you are, I'm just trying to ascertain what bits you're picking and WHY you're picking them.


So what, i cherry pick too,whats wrong with that.There's no rule to say you have to believe everything in the bible.

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