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Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?  

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My 2p. No I don't believe. Bibles were clearly written at a time when people had no better way to explain things they didn't understand through divine intervention. I consider the bible to be nothing more than a book of parables, stories to encourage good living through morale standards etc. Basically the product of backward people in a backward time.


Take just one example, parting of the red sea. It has been suggested this (if it did occur) could have been a consequence of a tsunami. But if those present had never heard of such a thing and couldn't understand it, then it's surely plausible to assume it was the work of a greater mystical force.


Looking around the globe, is religion not the number 1 cause of segregation, wars and ethnic cleansing? Peace on earth will be achieved through abolishing all religion IMHO. Or at least an education programme to get the message out that people are hating and fighting and dying through different beliefs in different works of fiction. They're fighting for nothing basically, only their own delusion and that saddens me to the bone.


I was under the impression is was a mistranslation and should have said sea of reeds, or reed sea, and reeds tolerant of salt water flourish in the shallow string of lakes extending from Suez north to the Mediterranean Sea.

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I feel that any adult who believes in god is somewhat naive and gullable. God is just the boogeyman for intellectual inhibited adults.


...you're saying that only clever people who are afraid of doing stuff believe in God?

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I personally hate all religions, as they narrow peoples thinking and actions and has held back human development for hundreds of years. Religion is a cancer of the mind, giving the believers a false sense of personal and herd identity.


It allows the mainly ill-educated to feel they have something significant in their otherwise empty and meaningless lives, and motivates others into a small view of a meaningful life.


Just think of how many millions throughout the CHRISTIAN ERA ALONE HAVE DIED BECAUSE OF SUCH SICK DOGMA.


If it wasn't the Catholics persecuting Protestants, then it was the Protestants persecuting the Catholics, when they were not murdering for their idea of god in the crusades that is. History is drenched in blood sacrifice for the loving of blood god’s people worship, pretending it is good when the facts tend to show the opposite. Now it’s the war against Islam part 2, the final conflict, where the good guys the Christians, divide the Muslim world into two, where factions kill each other saving the good Christians the bother. Meanwhile the Israelis stir the pot, making sure the heat is always high, despite the fact their religion is based on an even bigger joke. But Islam and Christianity are all just new Jewish sects anyway, but like all sects they like to think they are the chosen ones. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all worship at the temple of greed, and selfishness, where they murder for the love of their particular sects, justifying the carnage as defending some ancient perverted belief system.


Humanity in its modern form is over 200,000 years old, as we have a unique history, but in the last 2,500 years have created more sophisticated way of murdering opposition, as the real god all these religions worship is money, and what money can buy, as in power, weapons and now continuous war. Christianity leads the way, in global carnage, with new ideas of controlling and depopulating smashed up countries. We like Israel love sowing the seeds of deformity, as the uranium bombs and shells infect the populations for generations creating deformed children that will fortunately never breed, along with premature deaths due to the cancers and infections religious cleansing comes with.


Sadly on a genetic level it is almost impossible to differentiate between people, as we all came from a very small population on the verge of extinction. We are all related, just happens to be the reality, but greed, selfishness allows us to think we are different and more special, the more wealthy one is.


So all western religions are a disease, and the evidence is the carnage that continues to be justified, as some lives are worth more than others, and religion allows those psychologically damaged individuals to join particular herds they feel allows them to have an identity, as most are vacuous without it.


I once believed in Father Christmas, which preyed on psychological needs, I was unaware of at the time, and eventually grew up, saw what god was for, and the scam it is run for profit, as its business, innit?

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Now it’s the war against Islam part 2, the final conflict, where the good guys the Christians, divide the Muslim world into two, where factions kill each other saving the good Christians the bother.


What, you think there was ever a time when all Muslim peoples lived united in harmony? I don't think you can blame that one on Christians, unless you blame the warring Christian factions throughout history on Islam.

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I personally hate all religions, as they narrow peoples thinking and actions and has held back human development for hundreds of years. Religion is a cancer of the mind, giving the believers a false sense of personal and herd identity.


It allows the mainly ill-educated to feel they have something significant in their otherwise empty and meaningless lives, and motivates others into a small view of a meaningful life.


Just think of how many millions throughout the CHRISTIAN ERA ALONE HAVE DIED BECAUSE OF SUCH SICK DOGMA.


If it wasn't the Catholics persecuting Protestants, then it was the Protestants persecuting the Catholics, when they were not murdering for their idea of god in the crusades that is. History is drenched in blood sacrifice for the loving of blood god’s people worship, pretending it is good when the facts tend to show the opposite. Now it’s the war against Islam part 2, the final conflict, where the good guys the Christians, divide the Muslim world into two, where factions kill each other saving the good Christians the bother. Meanwhile the Israelis stir the pot, making sure the heat is always high, despite the fact their religion is based on an even bigger joke. But Islam and Christianity are all just new Jewish sects anyway, but like all sects they like to think they are the chosen ones. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all worship at the temple of greed, and selfishness, where they murder for the love of their particular sects, justifying the carnage as defending some ancient perverted belief system.


Humanity in its modern form is over 200,000 years old, as we have a unique history, but in the last 2,500 years have created more sophisticated way of murdering opposition, as the real god all these religions worship is money, and what money can buy, as in power, weapons and now continuous war. Christianity leads the way, in global carnage, with new ideas of controlling and depopulating smashed up countries. We like Israel love sowing the seeds of deformity, as the uranium bombs and shells infect the populations for generations creating deformed children that will fortunately never breed, along with premature deaths due to the cancers and infections religious cleansing comes with.


Sadly on a genetic level it is almost impossible to differentiate between people, as we all came from a very small population on the verge of extinction. We are all related, just happens to be the reality, but greed, selfishness allows us to think we are different and more special, the more wealthy one is.


So all western religions are a disease, and the evidence is the carnage that continues to be justified, as some lives are worth more than others, and religion allows those psychologically damaged individuals to join particular herds they feel allows them to have an identity, as most are vacuous without it.


I once believed in Father Christmas, which preyed on psychological needs, I was unaware of at the time, and eventually grew up, saw what god was for, and the scam it is run for profit, as its business, innit?


Aha. A thinking person. Right on Mate

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