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Vote lib dem in local elections?

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I could not bring myself to vote for anyone else so did not vote. Its the first time in years that I have not voted and feels strange, but there was no way I was going to vote Lib Dem again, ever in fact.


Feeling pretty fed up with all the main parties. I did vote but first time in 26 years I have not voted Labour.

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Just watching the first of the results coming in. Big swings to Labour. We talk about the electorate having short memories, some prime examples already tonight. I wonder if they'll prove as short in the next General Election?


Not bothering to watch the rest, as Sheffield seems a foregone conclusion. Keep your beady eyes on Graves Park, people. Vigilance is the name of the game. Nighty night, all.

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I could not bring myself to vote for anyone else so did not vote. Its the first time in years that I have not voted and feels strange, but there was no way I was going to vote Lib Dem again, ever in fact.


you should've spoiled your paper - that's what I did in the war mongering blair times - tell them it's a lost vote on the paper and why - it's guaranteed that the candidate will read it.


radio 4 this am -worst libdem result in their history, they're history, political toast. What do they do now? I wouldn't swap with clegg, press on as the tory's gimps? get 'radical' somehow? leave the coalition? form a coalition with ukip and the greens that might scrape a third place?


unlikely as it may be, my preferred option is for them to leave this coalition and let the country decide.

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One wonders how the Lib/Dems ever got into power in a city that has so many Labour MPs and just one LD.

I suppose it's because the Labour councillors are such as set of Communist dead heads that even Labour voters get fed up of their stupidity and keep voting them out of power. Things certainly haven't got any better since Labour took over the town hall again.


And remember that out council tax is still paying for the Student Games **** up.:rant:

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