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Vote lib dem in local elections?

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I find it amazing that somebody who lives in Bavaria (or wherever) and with no links to Sheffield, seems to be so obsessed with it's politics. Bizarre!


In Germany it's an unwritten rule that no Bavarian can be elected as Chancellor. They're considered to be too arrogant and right-wing, even by German standards.

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In Germany it's an unwritten rule that no Bavarian can be elected as Chancellor. They're considered to be too arrogant and right-wing, even by German standards.


it should be the same here with people who went to eton, but , unfortunately, the reverse seems to be true

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... but he is notably silent about clegg, alexander et al acting as shock troops for the most right wing of tory onslaughts which either means he's joined the tory ass kissing fraternity or he's just too drunk to speak.


I didn't vote lib last time but I would have done if I lived in broomhill, people I know who did feel betrayed and angry and , hopefully, the judas party will be wiped from the political landscape come may.


why did clegg cross the road? cos he promised he wouldn't.

When did Nick Clegg promise not to cross a road? Never mind Kennedy, are you drunk? Even if I agreed with you about the Government situation, which I don't because almost anything is better than having a load of celebrity besotted, champagne Socialist running dogs in power, what has any of that to do with Sheffield City Council?


Your friends maybe feel dismayed because they betrayed their Labour roots and voted against their inclinations at the time? Most true Liberal Democrats have spent their entire lives fighting to get and keep Labour out. IMO, the party would have had a big rebellion on their hands if they had assisted Labour to stay in power. Was never going to happen.


Voting the 'wrong' way just to give politicians a bloody nose and 'show them' nearly always ends badly. You've had Labour back for a couple of years and already they're running the city into the ground. What is it going to take for people here to learn the lesson?

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In fairness, I am a bit drunk - been in the boozer watching man utd do aston villa and enjoying the last day of my holidays. Thanks for asking.


If local libdems think they can distance themselves from the national party's behaviour then they can dream on - I haven't received a leaflet that says 'Clegg and co are a bunch of untrustworthy judases - vote for me' - they are saddled by the fact that libdem voters put their crosses down for an anti tory manifesto, they voted against tuition fees, they voted for an egalitarian party and got members of a right wing junta that has abolished the NHS and raised taxes for everyone except the very rich.


that's how it is perceived and, hopefully, they will pay electorally for their distain for the folk who voted for them.


roll on May.

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So what happened to change your mind?


Didn't you think they did a good enough job running the City? Even the most hardened Labourite has to admit they were better at it than Labour and that the city profile as a place to live and work improved during their tenure. Even the notorious 'favoured Labour' areas were starting to get better.


I find it difficult to understand this crazed desire of Sheffield people to constantly revert to the red yoke. Is it some masochistic need to suffer? :huh:


What happened to change my mind, where have you been ?


I don't see the difference in local elections and the general one, its still the same party. People protest vote in local elections to show their disillusionment of Governments/Parties all the time, I myself will never bring myself to put an ex in a lib dem box as my protest vote is for life.

Even if they could do a better job at running the council their name is forever tainted for me so I will cut off my nose to spite my face. Its just like saying the BNP may be good at running Sheffield but I could not put my name to that party either, that's how let down I feel by Nick Clegg and his hijacked party that was once the lib dems.

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In fairness, I am a bit drunk - been in the boozer watching man utd do aston villa and enjoying the last day of my holidays. Thanks for asking.


If local libdems think they can distance themselves from the national party's behaviour then they can dream on - I haven't received a leaflet that says 'Clegg and co are a bunch of untrustworthy judases - vote for me' - they are saddled by the fact that libdem voters put their crosses down for an anti tory manifesto, they voted against tuition fees, they voted for an egalitarian party and got members of a right wing junta that has abolished the NHS and raised taxes for everyone except the very rich.


that's how it is perceived and, hopefully, they will pay electorally for their distain for the folk who voted for them.


roll on May.

Don't be such a drama queen. I think you're exaggerating, more than just a tad. Unfortunately, if your taxes have increased, that's because they're trying to help the poorest in society by cutting theirs. We can't have it both ways. If you want to take care of the poorest, you have to be prepared to contribute.


I think something will be done about all these tax avoidance quirks, everything can't be done at once, and then I suppose people will be on here squealing about that and how unfair it is.

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Come May there won't be any election for MP's. Is it so difficult to differentiate between national and local government when you're in the ballot box? Clegg has nothing to to with the coming election.


I haven't yet heard a single complaint about the way that the Lib-Dems ran Sheffield.


Extending the lease on the Moor to Scottish Widows, for another 100 years so they could take back a part of the site for the markets, beggars belief!


So in approx 100 years time, when the people of Sheffield would have had its lease back, and could then utilise the rent & area to maximum effect, Scriven has extended it for a further 100 years, to swerve payments.


Think about it....

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