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Titanic, 100 years today

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You could read the inquest reports. Those were written at the time, not a century later.


Err, yes. They were written at the time. Within reasonable time of the disaster with living witnesses. This is 2012. The facts cannot be debated as the human input is impossible as.......... well they are all dead.


If a 1912 steward said "it happened like this" who the hell is going to argue that today? Certainly not me, and certainly nobody else, as cross examining him is not possible.


That said, its never cut and dried, and we will never know truly if these gates were open/closed, or if it ever was said it was unsinkable before it sank, but I do remeber reading somewhere that the builders did say it was unlikely she would ever sink due to its water tight compartments and The Shipbuilder magazine published an article describing the construction of the Titanic. The article stated that when the watertight doors were closed, the ship would be "practically unsinkable".


Thats good enough for me.

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They were not "kept away from the lifeboats."


The order to abandon ship wasn't given until far too late, which is a scandal if you like, but all this rubbish about not allowing third class people to escape has been circulating for far too long.


It is not rubbish, it is true.

I have a book, written in 1912 of eyewitness acounts and it states it clearly.


Remember this is 1912 we are talking about here.

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Just as an aside and a story for dog lovers. There were ten dogs aboard the Titanic. Only three survived. Two were small lap dogs that were allowed to be with their owners, the other eight were kept in the ship's kennel.

When it was apparent that the ship was going down a concerned passenger released the dogs from the kennel so that they could have a chance to survive.


The two small lap dogs were allowed aboard a half empty lifeboat along with their owners.


One of the eight other dogs was a Newfoundland named Rigel which was owned by William Murrdoch the Titanic's first officer.


Rigel ended up in the sea and swam around for over three hours and attempts to get him aboard a lifeboat were unsuccessful.


When the rescue ship, the Carpathia arrived those on the bridge were unable to see a lifeboat under the bow and a collison was imminent. Rigel started to bark which alerted the Carpathian's captain who took avoiding action.


The people on the lifeboat along with the dog were taken aboard the ship. Rigel although in bad shape recovered very quickly and was adopted by a member of Carpathian's crew Jonas Briggs


William Murdoch went down with the Titanic

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Alot more could have been saved if the Californian had responded to flares which it saw and ignored.


It seems that a telegraphist aboard the Californian attempted to send a message to the Titanic warning of ice bergs in the area but the telegraphist aboard the Titanic was busy sending private messages from passengers to the American mainland and told the Californian to "keep out"


The Californian then shut down it's telegraph service and most of the crew retired for the night.


It does seem strange though that the lookouts on the Californian saw all the flares going up and interpreted them to mean something else. The two ships were anchored about ten miles apart. Later the Californian attempted to signal by lamp but the signal was seen as just a flickering light by members of the Titanic's crew.


I dare say the captain and crew members of the Californian must have been haunted for the rest of their lives over their inaction that night

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Alot more could have been saved if the Californian had responded to flares which it saw and ignored.


That is not correct.

Titanic was not at its reported position.

It was not in line of sight of Californian.

What ever ships each other saw, they were not Californian or Titanic.

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