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Dog's off lead's


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I did read it. But the post I quoted there wasn't talking about by the side of the road.




No mention of them being dangerous if misused (you saw my comment about them locking right) in some circumstances.


How about the previous poster who's dog can be aggressive, should it be on a short leash whilst out for the rest of it's life?

The majority of people don't seem to ever lock them, they use them as an excuse to allow their dog to roam up and down the road uncontrolled


VWkittie is objecting to them being attached to the neck - where they can become tangled around the legs (especially if you have a scent hound who runs nose down), which is why Brude only gets to wear his attached to a harness at his shoulders


An aggressive dog probably shouldn't be on one at all, as they're virtually impossible to reel back in. A proper training lead would be more appropriate as it gives the owner more control, which in turn takes decision making (and associated nerves) away from the dog

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I love my retractable leads; they mean I can walk ahead and my dogs can sniff and then catch up.


Without them I'd be forever waiting and we'd never get anywhere!

why don't you walk them without a lead Karis?
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So teach your dog to walk correctly first.

Lock it off when on the pavement.

Lock it off when on the pavement.

I disagree, firstly if you're walking on the street it can be locked to the length of a 'normal' lead, which in itself doesn't guarantee that the dog is not ahead, and if the alternative is off the leash when not next to a road then the dog would be in front anyway.

That wouldn't be a failure of the lead, that would be a failure of the owner in allowing that situation to develop with the lead extended. Retract it when necessary.


There we go, all the 'reasons' easily addressed. Most of them by simply locking the lead length when not in the park!


I'm quoting reasons against their use, they serve no useful purpose other than to allow the dog to walk ahead or lag behind. The freedom is given to the majority of owners who accept this behaviour as it releases them from any real duty to control.

As you point out all of the above can be corrected but in the main they are not as the lead is seen as a tool that allows the owner to be free.

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skye has been trained quite well (considering how bad she was when we got her) and she is very well behaved with regard to pulling, listening to commands on walks etc. she is even ok now for dogs to be in sight and a few metres away. the problem is is that she can sometimes revert back to her aggression towards other dogs if they get too close.


only my husband will walk her and the flexi is there just in case she has a 'moment' so she cannot get to a dog. my husband is alert on walks and is always looking out for dogs and she has always come back to him. it is only five metres long so even if she didnt, he could get to her quite easily without her getting any further.


she doesnt need a training line because her problem is just in her now and isnt that she needs obedience training. i would hate walking her on a training lead that doesnt retract when she walks near us. and they get tangled up far more. we have a training line for bella who is undergoing recall training again atm (with a dog trainer) and she is forever wrapping it around our legs and trees and pulling up shrubs with it.that would be far worse for skye

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I'm quoting reasons against their use, they serve no useful purpose other than to allow the dog to walk ahead or lag behind. The freedom is given to the majority of owners who accept this behaviour as it releases them from any real duty to control.

As you point out all of the above can be corrected but in the main they are not as the lead is seen as a tool that allows the owner to be free.


the dog can be well trained and on a flexi, it is just a back up tool in case they have a moment and want to run off. and are very useful for places dogs arent allowed off leads which are many

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the dog can be well trained and on a flexi, it is just a back up tool in case they have a moment and want to run off. and are very useful for places dogs arent allowed off leads which are many


Yes they can and some are, many are not. Strix asked the question before, why not just let the dog off lead? If it's a recall problem then long or short makes no difference to the dog, it's still on a lead, it's up to you or I to prevent it from pulling off to one side for a sniff. The dog wont hate you for refusing to allow it to sniff each and every tree will it.

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Dangerous to who? The dog? Have you ever heard of one being injured by it's own lead? And if not dangerous, then how is it daft?


I appreciate that someone might not like an extending lead, but frankly you need to wind you neck in a bit.


I've ended up with the string wrapped round my legs because people don't pay attention to what their dog is doing, I've had dogs chase after us after the string snapped, it's so thin you often can't see it so you might think the other dog is off lead when it isn't, not being able to easily see it makes it a general trip hazard for other people. Also if a dog bolted and you didn't react quick enough it could damage the dogs neck.


A good thick long line with a proper harness would be much better for everyone.

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I love my retractable leads; they mean I can walk ahead and my dogs can sniff and then catch up.


Without them I'd be forever waiting and we'd never get anywhere!


The also mean they can lag behind,respond to distractions without your knowledge, bother other passers by before you can retract the lead.etc tec


Your dogs may do none of the above but for 90% of the people i see using a retractable thats the case.It usually allows the owner to do their own thing and the dog please itself.


I often recommend lead lines for new owners to allow dogs to "wander" for one simple reason,the dog owner must respond and be aware of the dog to collect the spare lead they're also much stronger than a piece of string.

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Yes unless the behaviour can be changed and the dog be non aggressive.


I feel I must explain from the start, in my situation.


Skye is a great dane we got when she was one. She had a certificate for the kennel lub good citizens scheme and seemed like the friendliest dog in the world. we were never given any bad onfo on her at all.


we soon learned that she didnt know any commands and didnt even know her name. we had to teach her everything. we also soon learned that she was extremely aggressive towards other dogs, even if they were about a mile away! we went right back to basics with her and calmed her down. she is excellent in the house and doesnt do anything wrong there, except for barking at people knocking on the door (we dont overly put a stop to this as we like the 'home security' - im sure most will disagree with me on that but we like that she is a deterrant- she is always shut in the living room before we open the door)


she is ok with dogs now once she has met them and is ok mostly at the sight of them now, after years of persevering with her and never letting the standards drop. we bought our cocker who she loves and we have kept her daughter. she is obedient on walks for my husband. she wears a halti because she is so strong so if she does lunge or anything we have better control. she is on a flexi so she can sniff freely but since she cannot be 100% trusted if she sees another dog, she will never be allowed off lead. i believe this to be responsibe as she always comes back to my husband but she is a big dog and we wont ever put anyone or anything at risk because of her bad start in life.


i really cant see how a flexi can be criticised here and if people want to use them i think it is upto them. people would complain much more if skye was off lead, knowing her background, no matter how well behaved she will lead you to believe she is

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