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USA Vs UK.. a war in 2012, who would win?

Who would win a 2012 war between UK and USA  

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  1. 1. Who would win a 2012 war between UK and USA

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How do you know what I have and have not been in ? There,s no need to get the face on because you came home sorely whipped with your tail between you legs


You must be the big show around your neighbourhood at chucking out time :hihi:


You never answered my first question Monty. How would the British military forces have deciisively won the war in Vietnam in the 1960s.?


What would they have done differently to bring this about and with half the population in the streets of Britain demonstrating against Britian's involvment in Vietnam and some MPs in Parliament siding with them?


Over to you genious :hihi:

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You must be the big show around your neighbourhood at chucking out time :hihi:


You never answered my first question Monty. How would the British military forces have deciisively won the war in Vietnam in the 1960s.?


What would they have done differently to bring this about and with half the population in the streets of Britain demonstrating against Britian's involvment in Vietnam and some MPs in Parliament siding with them?


Over to you genious :hihi:


He never said that he was a genious as there is no such thing!:loopy:

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If the Brits had joined you in Vietnam you would have won that war instead of pulling out in a cowardly manner.:roll:


You're about as bad as old Glamrocker. The Vietnam war reached the point that it was an issue concerning the election between the Democrats and Republicans and the population in general had grown weary of it. Nixon when he became president declared that he would bring an end to the war and that he did, first by bombing the hell out of North Vietnam which brought the North Vietnamese to the Paris Peace Conference and then afterwards a policy of "Vietnamisation" meaning that the South Vietnamese Army (as useless as they generally were) would take over the bulk of the fighting and the withdrawal of the US forces would then start.


The decsion to quit was a political one. Not a military one.


If you want to look at a major defeat of a whole army look no further than Dunkirk in 1940 and dont bother to place the blame on the French army. Their soldiers were as good as ours. They only suffered form weak politicians and bad leadership

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The US didnt fight that war alone.

They had a lot of help from the french, hence the gift of the statue of liberty.

Add to that the fact that Team GB were thinly stretched accross the other colonies, handing the states to the yanks was the best option.

America wouldnt have won a wear against us any time before 1940 as up until then they didnt have a navy anything like the size of ours and their airforce was a joke.


no offense, but you seem to be getting your wars mixed up. The Statue of Liberty was gifted by the French followng the independence war that took place a quarter of a century before the one I was referring to. The conflict usually known as the 'War of 1812' one between the United States and Britain lasted from 1812 until 1814-15, and in which there was only one European belligerent, Britain, who didn't aquit themselves especially well. It ended in a messy stalemate. This was the first time the United States ever formally declared war on anyone, it passed through congress and the senate before the declaration of war was finally ratified by President Madison on June 18, 1812. So the 200th anniversary is coming up in a few weeks, it will be interesting to see if there is any commemoration. The various Indian tribes have cause to remember the War of 1812 most, because they were the ones that lost. It was the first of their utterly catastrophic srategic defeats. Britain and the USA only drew.


1812 was the last time the USA and Britain went to war. But the last time they nearly went to war was a series of events known as The Venezuela Crisis in 1895 in which the USA believed Britain was violating its interpetation of the Monroe Doctrine. Eventually the issues were resolved by arbitration and with no shots being fired. But it is not entirely beyond the realm of possibility that the USA and Britain could have been at war around 100 years ago. The size of their respective navies and militias is pretty much irrelevant once you realise the war, like the two others before it, would have taken place in the western hemisphere and not in Europe.

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