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USA Vs UK.. a war in 2012, who would win?

Who would win a 2012 war between UK and USA  

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  1. 1. Who would win a 2012 war between UK and USA

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I doubt Britain would go to war without the support of the EU. Argentina was a special case since the Falklands were British. Russia never really identified itself completely with Europe and even today does not trust western Europe completely. Invaded by Napoleon, fought France and Britain in the Crimean war, twice invaded in the last hundred years. Old memories die hard and are part of the Russian psyche.

A scenario where the oil supplies start to dwindle in the middle east and vast new oil fields are located in the south Atlantic could create rivalries between China and Europe for access and Brazil could feel threatened by both since much of it would be located in their coastal waters and the US stepping in on the side of Brazil. This all predicated of course on an alternative to oil not being found in the next 50 years


there may come a time in the future, where Europe and Russia combined may become emboldened to take on a weak United States, perhaps two to three centuries from now, and defeat them in battle. Absurdly speculative, of course. But definitely possible.

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there may come a time in the future, where Europe and Russia combined may become emboldened to take on a weak United States, perhaps two to three centuries from now, and defeat them in battle. Absurdly speculative, of course. But definitely possible.

Truly speculative,I hope I don't live to see us have to take on our friends America anytime in the future, it would be a sad day for us and the rest of the western world nothing of any good would come from it.

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there may come a time in the future, where Europe and Russia combined may become emboldened to take on a weak United States, perhaps two to three centuries from now, and defeat them in battle. Absurdly speculative, of course. But definitely possible.
I don't think it's absurd at all. Adolf Hitler was a lowly corporal in the Wehrmacht during WWI. He came to power around 1933 and was dead by 1945, a total of 12 years. During his time, millions upon millions died,cities destroyed. We feel the effects of it to this day. An awful lot can happen in 300 years. America was still a colony then.
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there may come a time in the future, where Europe and Russia combined may become emboldened to take on a weak United States, perhaps two to three centuries from now, and defeat them in battle. Absurdly speculative, of course. But definitely possible.


Whatever happens any future wars on a global scale will more than likely be over four things, oil, raw materials, land and poverty.

China and India dont have oil or raw materials and neither does Europe. Russia has plenty of land, oil, natural gas and raw materiials so could be counted out if any future skirmishes involve these issues. If they were to become involved in a war it would be for political reasons.


The United States, Mexico and Brazil have enough oil to last them for well over the next two hundred years if the untapped resources were to be exploited and it seems to be a natural course of events that with the sizeable immigration of people from south America to the US that eventually the traditional and historic Euro-US connection will be replaced with a north-south America economic partnership that would be far larger than the current NAFTA.

Already the pundits have said that by the year 2050 minorities will outnumber Americans of Euro stock by around 52 to 48 percent with people of Hispanic ancestry the largest group.


There's plenty to be concerned about even now in Europe alone. Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Denmark all economic basket cases and Britain now officially in a recession, the Euro in crisis, a faulty banking system, politicians pursuing a policy of austerity that may be doing more damage than good and a major concern, the high number of young unemployed. That alone is enough to worry about. It was high unemployment and a collapsing economy that brought people like Hitler to power. It's a natural reaction among people to look around for scapegoats in times like these and extremist groups to emerge with promises that they have the solution.


In the old days emigration to new developing lands was the safety valve for the jobless young and disaffected but that was then and the problem is now.


Interesting times ahead.

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Good points Buck,yes that is true my Dad went in with the Canadians on gold beach he was a very private guy and would not talk much about the things he experienced there,I have his medals and I would not part with them for anything he would sometimes open up and tell a few story's he was in the bockarge battles {sorry if it is spelt wrong} apparently a nasty hard fought battle in the hedgerows and paths of France that slowed the British troops down for months,the German troops were no conscripts there and took a tole on our troops, my Dad lost a lot of his mates there, apparently it was a modification to the tanks that swung it in the end.


My father-in-law landed on Utah Beach. They landed on the wrong stretch of beach by mistake which probably saved them from the wholesale slaughter that their comrades suffered on Omaha as the German guns on Utah were way up at the other end of the beach.


Later he was transferred to another divison and ended up fighting in the battle of the Hurtgen forest where he was wounded and that was it for him.


He once said that the Hurtgen forest battle was the battle that the historians forgot about.

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My Dad was a life time army man he was in the black watch and real hard case,he was posted to the New Zealand army were he was sent to show them how to use British radio equipment, we lived on the army camp there Linton military camp near Palmaston North north island,he did not want to come back to England but my Mother wanted to come back to England so he had no choice he regretted that for the rest of his life.


The only time I had a run in with a member of a kit wearing regiment was in Singapore. A mate and I had just left the Union Jack Club both drunk as lords and we ended up in tri-shaws doing a late night tour of the back streets. Unfortunately we were spotted by a Military Police patrol in an off limits to British soldiers area and arrested. We were both in civvies but the white skins and short haircuts must have stood out a mile. We were taken to Nee Soon a transit camp for troops on their way up country and tossed in the brig.


The guard sergeant that day was a Sergeant Gordon of the Gordon Highlanders and he was one mean SOB. He had us scrubbing floors, cleaning the heads and then a stint on KP washing dishes. It wasnt until evening when the duty sergeant and officer of the day were rotated that we were allowed a shave and a wash and a change of clothing.


I always thought that if old Gordon treated his fellow troops like that god knows what he would have done to the enemy.


Singapore though was like a nunnery compared to To Do Street in Saigon.

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