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Disgusting dog walker(s) around S9

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Its really bad round here too, I live in Shiregreen but they should rename it if you know what I mean lol. When we had our dog I picked up after him everytime and sometimes got remarks off silly kids. There is one road round here where theres piles of it every few steps. Its not hard to just get some doggy bags or nappy bags and pick it up and rid the streets of filth. We are getting a new puppy soon and it makes me not want to walk her round here cos of the problem, its not just people that step in it, dogs actually eat it sometimes. We should start up a national campaign!

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Its really bad round here too, I live in Shiregreen but they should rename it if you know what I mean lol. When we had our dog I picked up after him everytime and sometimes got remarks off silly kids. There is one road round here where theres piles of it every few steps. Its not hard to just get some doggy bags or nappy bags and pick it up and rid the streets of filth. We are getting a new puppy soon and it makes me not want to walk her round here cos of the problem, its not just people that step in it, dogs actually eat it sometimes. We should start up a national campaign!


Yeah, we could call it the 'It is an offence to allow your dog to foul the footpath' campaign.

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I was in Hillsborough Park going back home and a women was walking her 2 dogs. One of the dogs which was like a husky type did its business. The woman proceeded to take out a black doggy bag. I thought to myself what a responsible dog owner.


I was then a little suspicious as she seemed to stall at picking it up she then proceeded to place an empty bag in the dog bin. The size of the dog would have filled the doggy bag and not be folded over.

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i live on James street in s9 and the dog poo is becoming an issue a few weeks ago outside acres hill the pavement was that caked in dog poo that we had to cross the road then again at the bottom to get to the school gates! and then there's the massive pile that seems to appear at the bottom of my jennel every few days!


I have a dog and ALWAYS clean up his mess it isn't difficult is it!

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Maybe its time the council employed people to watch problem areas that had been reported .And handed a few fines out.

A few years ago i had a problem with someone with a big dog ,the son used to come home from school teatime and take it out and it used to leave piles outside my house ,he never cleaned it up it was left to me ,When i spoke to his parents i just got a load of abuse so i reported it to the dog warden, Next day at teatime i got a phone call from the warden asking for more details of the dog ,I said will you be contacting them and he said i am across the road now watching he was in a white van.

The problem was sorted out..No more dog poo outside my house .And he put a metal sign on my fence asking people to clean up after their dogs.

Does anyone know if this is still a job the dog warden does ,if not who do we complain to about it.

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