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Anders Breivik sentenced

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EDL leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon has been forced to deny supporting mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik after he was quoted praising the man who killed 77 people in a Norwegian newspaper.


In an interview conducted in his home town of Luton, Mr Yaxley-Lennon called Breivik “smart” and said the murders he carried out would have been easier to justify if they had been perpetrated against Muslims.




There were reports that Breivik attended EDL marches in the UK before carrying out the murders, although these were denied by Mr Yaxley-Lennon.

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Back in February, Channel 4 broadcast a documentary about Stephen Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson), the leader of the English Defence League. The programme featured an encounter between a somewhat lubricated Lennon and a Muslim security guard. It included the following:



Guard: Not all Muslims are bad.


Lennon: I know they’re not, bruv. I know they’re not. Just most of them. Ha, I’m only joking.


Then to camera:


Lennon: Other than Breivik, cos he’ll shoot ‘em all. I’m from Norway and I’ll shoot you. [Grins]


As a follow up, Lennon tried throwing stones from a distance at some police officers, as a prank; he then pulled his hood down over his face in comic fashion, and once again – apparently – said “Breivik”.


Lennon has now explained that there has been a misunderstanding, speaking on BBC1′s The Big Questions:



"When I had me hood up and I had goggles on – this is what we’re up against as an organisation – I said “ribbit”, cos I looked like a frog, cos I had goggles on, and I was drunk. I didn’t say Breivik. They put a subtitle as “Breivik”, I didn’t say “Breivik”. I said “Ribbit”. And taken out of context, a lot of those things, if you know what the story behind what had happened, it’s not the way it looked."




Anyone convinced by that explanation from Lennon?

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This man commited an appalling crime.How can a such an extreme right wing terrorist justify such an action.

Psychiatrists appear to disagree on his mental condition.


How can someone like that be normal? It would appear he is still delusional,and still believes what he did was right.Yet he has shed tears in court,(were those for himself or for his 77 tragic victims)


Isn't it terrifying that someone with such political extremist views can become so paranoid,and be full of hatred,and yet be described from former friends as being quiet, friendly and ordinary.


In reality sounds like most un-compassionate criminals, and there are many of them and they all justify their acts.



This guy is the lowest of the low and deserves solitary for life, or a mental institute. But there are many others just like him preaching radical views in prison, should they be dealt with in the same way? Many would say to do so would infringe 'their human rights'.



Cowardly scum... and as to his comment about 'sophisticated', LOL, what an idiot!!!

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This guy is the lowest of the low and deserves solitary for life, or a mental institute. But there are many others just like him preaching radical views in prison, should they be dealt with in the same way? Many would say to do so would infringe 'their human rights'.


That depends how radical their views are. It's not even illegal to state that the world would be a better place if Muslims did not exist in it. (Though I must rush to point out, that's not a view I actually hold!!)


It is illegal to try to talk people into actually going out and killing them all, though. And there is no human right not to be put in solitary; if you are a risk to any and all who come into contact with you, then solitary is where you will go.

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That depends how radical their views are. It's not even illegal to state that the world would be a better place if Muslims did not exist in it. (Though I must rush to point out, that's not a view I actually hold!!)


It is illegal to try to talk people into actually going out and killing them all, though. And there is no human right not to be put in solitary; if you are a risk to any and all who come into contact with you, then solitary is where you will go.


Yes, I was on about serious 'radicals' who preach murder, racism and such.


Solitary, I was under the impression that there is a legal limit to how long someone can be in there because it does drive them mad.





Opponents of solitary confinement hold that it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment[10] and torture[11] because the lack of human contact, and the sensory deprivation that often go with solitary confinement, can have a severe negative impact on a prisoner's mental state[12] that may lead to certain mental illnesses such as depression, permanent or semi-permanent changes to brain physiology,[13] an existential crisis,[14][15][16][17] and death.[11]


Negative psychological effects have been documented,[18] leading one judge in a 2001 suit to rule that “[solitary confinement] units are virtual incubators of psychoses—seeding illness in otherwise healthy inmates and exacerbating illness in those already suffering from mental infirmities.”[19]


In 2006, the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America, chaired by John Joseph Gibbons and Nicholas Katzenbach found that: "The increasing use of high-security segregation is counter-productive, often causing violence inside facilities and contributing to recidivism after release."[20]


Solitary confinement as a disciplinary measure for prisoners in Europe was largely reduced or eliminated during the twentieth century.[8] In 2004, only 40 out of 75,000 inmates held in England and Wales were placed in solitary confinement cells.


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Yes, I was on about serious 'radicals' who preach murder, racism and such.


Solitary, I was under the impression that there is a legal limit to how long someone can be in there because it does drive them mad.


Charles Bronson has been in solitary for, I think, about thirty years...


I presume that he still has some sort of human contact - you are correct that total isolation from all human contact does lead to insanity, but it does not necessarily have to be actual physical presence.


I don't know many details about the procedures for solitary confinement in the UK. Obviously it means that they don't share a cell with anyone, but does it necessarily mean that they never spend any time with anybody, even shackled and under guard?

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Breivik's refusing to answer questions about his London trip 10 years ago:


Breivik is slouching in his chair, tapping his pen on the desk in front of him as he repeatedly answers no comment to q's about London.


Digging into details about manifesto. Why he was asked to write this in London? Who else wrote? #Breivik refuse to answer most of this.


Did you wear any special outfits at the London meeting? No comment. #Breivik




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Charles Bronson has been in solitary for, I think, about thirty years...


I presume that he still has some sort of human contact - you are correct that total isolation from all human contact does lead to insanity, but it does not necessarily have to be actual physical presence.


I don't know many details about the procedures for solitary confinement in the UK. Obviously it means that they don't share a cell with anyone, but does it necessarily mean that they never spend any time with anybody, even shackled and under guard?


I don't know the current situation, but otherwise I believe you are right!


This site has some interesting links, even though the site itself seems slightly biased and purporting opinion as fact.


Scroll to the bottom, the section titled 'Prison', has lots of links about solitary confinement.


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