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Would the world be happier without a God?

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The lady who cuts my hair is actually a "white witch" , she sort of worships the elements and planets and stuff. She goes camping in very remote places and very strange times of year too. She goes to Stone Henge every year June 20 something. Her "religion" is fun. She never has to live on bread and water for eight weeks or anything.


Before Christanity/religion was forced on everyone, everyone was Pagan.

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No I don't think we'd be happier without a God, but we might well be happier without religion.


Love and marriage , love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage?



Can't have one without the other?:roll:


True of God and religion too!

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Before Christanity/religion was forced on everyone, everyone was Pagan.


Not really, there were well established Greek, Roman, Viking and Egyptian religions that were not pagan and predated Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Not to mention Buddhism and Shintoism.

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For the poor the economic is the spiritual. You cannot make any other appeal to the starving millions. It will fall flat on them. But if you take food to them they will regard you as their God. They are incapable of any other thought.

I do not know why I wrote that quote from Gandhi. I guess that I merely wanted to. How selfish of me.:(

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Once people come to terms with their own mortality they can enjoy life more for what it is.




Im happy today, tomorrow i might be miserable

Nothing to do with God, Just mood or circumstances.

I expect i would be just the same even if i didn't believe in anything.

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