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Would the world be happier without a God?

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And yet you think you're not religious! Absolute madness!


If I were a member of one of the world's major religions I might be a little insulted by your post and the apparent hypocrisy, you talk almost as if you're superior to them in some way, and yet the way you talk about god and the nightly prayer and the way you conduct yourself on this thread about religion is exactly the same.


Personally I would find belonging to a 'Religion' a straightjacket. I have a typical 'pick and mix' attitude to it which doesn't go down at all well with the clergy.


I don't for example believe the Bible is necessarily the 'word of God,' although it may have much to tell us.

I am appalled by religious wars and sectarianism, and don't see how any God fearing person can justify it. Same with the various scandals in the churches from child abuse to money laundering.

I can't stand the hypocracy.

I want to see all faiths come together, but they do not.

I approve of Women in the priesthood and gay men.

I don't think it's necessary to attend church regularly to worship God and would be just as happy in a wood.

I hate the sermons and want to argue with them. I think hymns are joyless.

I want to engage in meaningful and uncomfortable discussions about religion and the church itself and why it doesn't do more to help people.

I disapprove of it being part of the establishment.

I want to see it mix things up a bit with political, firebrand, preachers that connect with people.


I have tried. I've seen Billy Graham, been to various churches, and attended an Alpha course. I just seem to have a built in antipathy to it which I can't get over.

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Maybe, who knows?


All I know is I believe in God or at least a benign, beautiful, spiritual power far greater than ourselves. It fills me with wonder and affords me great comfort even though I don't understand it, nor can I explain it adequately.


I cannot prove he exists, (but neither can anyone prove that he doesn't.) I simply have faith which I feel is important in itself. I think about things deeply and can justify all my beliefs to my own satisfaction.


I try to live a decent life and want to leave the world a better place than I found it. I want to help as many people as I can and learn as much as I can during the journey.


All this I can do without the help of 'Religion.'

I think 'he' has created a wonderful world which we, through our own greed, stupidity and 'freewill,' are in danger of ruining.


I pray every night for guidance, and thank him daily.


It works for me...


Without religion you would have no concept of God, religion defined God, with each religion having a slightly different definition, at some point in your life you was told about God and because you carry round this wonderful feeling, you give God credit for it, instead of yourself. This feeling as now become your personal definition of God. which in your case probably isn’t a bad thing. I imagine this feeling gives you the strength to help others and helps you get you through each day.


The problems arise when believers attribute their hate to God instead of love to God. They believe just like you, there God exists for them; just like your God exist for you, if your caring action are a result of your God then their hateful action are a result of their God.


The next problem arises when a believer condemns the actions of another believer; just because your God is good doesn’t automatically mean their God should be good. If someone’s God drives them to kill, they are no more insane than anyone else that believes in god, they just attribute a different set of emotion to God.


This sums it up nicely; a belief in God without the belief that God might talk to some believers. Either both are insane or both are normal.


If you talk to God you're normal,

but if God talks to you you're nuts.


I would say both are normal but don't fully understand their emotions.

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Personally I would find belonging to a 'Religion' a straightjacket. I have a typical 'pick and mix' attitude to it which doesn't go down at all well with the clergy.


I don't for example believe the Bible is necessarily the 'word of God,' although it may have much to tell us.

I am appalled by religious wars and sectarianism, and don't see how any God fearing person can justify it. Same with the various scandals in the churches from child abuse to money laundering.

I can't stand the hypocracy.

I want to see all faiths come together, but they do not.

I approve of Women in the priesthood and gay men.

I don't think it's necessary to attend church regularly to worship God and would be just as happy in a wood.

I hate the sermons and want to argue with them. I think hymns are joyless.

I want to engage in meaningful and uncomfortable discussions about religion and the church itself and why it doesn't do more to help people.

I disapprove of it being part of the establishment.

I want to see it mix things up a bit with political, firebrand, preachers that connect with people.


I have tried. I've seen Billy Graham, been to various churches, and attended an Alpha course. I just seem to have a built in antipathy to it which I can't get over.


:) I am sorry but it is you that is the Hypocrite

You believe in God, God apparently hasn’t spoke to you and yet you personally think you are right and many other believers in God are wrong.

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"Many of us saw religion as a harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation where's the harm? September 11th changed all that."



Richard Dawkins.


The history of atrocities inspired by religion before this weren't enough?

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:) I am sorry but it is you that is the Hypocrite

You believe in God, God apparently hasn’t spoke to you and yet you personally think you are right and many other believers in God are wrong.


I've never said I'm 'right' about anything. I've said it's a purely personal belief that works for me. Neither have I said other believers are wrong. Far from it, I'm perfectly happy with each person finding God in their own way, or even not at all.


What I am quite sad about is people who have religion forced upon them, or who think it can justify hurting other people or violence.


I still think Religion is a manmade construct, whereas Spirituality comes from within, although I do take your point that Religion defines God. I also think that group worship has benefits for some people, it's just not for me.

Does that make me a hypocrite?

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I've never said I'm 'right' about anything. I've said it's a purely personal belief that works for me. Neither have I said other believers are wrong. Far from it, I'm perfectly happy with each person finding God in their own way, or even not at all.


What I am quite sad about is people who have religion forced upon them, or who think it can justify hurting other people or violence.


I still think Religion is a manmade construct, whereas Spirituality comes from within, although I do take your point that Religion defines God. I also think that group worship has benefits for some people, it's just not for me.

Does that make me a hypocrite?


Sorry I assumed when claimed people killing in the name of God is wrong and people that claim God talks to them are nuts, you was saying their belief in God is wrong.

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I've never said I'm 'right' about anything. I've said it's a purely personal belief that works for me. Neither have I said other believers are wrong. Far from it, I'm perfectly happy with each person finding God in their own way, or even not at all.

What if their way involves voices in their head and then killing people?

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