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Would you date someone who is bisexual?

Would you date someone who is bisexual?  

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  1. 1. Would you date someone who is bisexual?

    • Yes
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But you do keep saying that's it's ok for someone to be gay because it's not their choice, as if it is was their choice then it wouldn't be ok. Does that make sense? It's probably not how you feel, but it's so often how the argument goes, that's it's only ok to be gay because it's not a choice. And I have never understood that.


I see what you're saying, but it seems a moot point, hence why I didn't understand what you were saying. It was kind of an argument about an impossibility to me, so I didn't follow.


To clarify, it's okay for someone to be gay, because it's okay to be gay. It's that simple.


I didn't explicitly suggest it was okay to be gay by choice, just because as far as I'm concerned it isn't a choice. If it were a choice, again it's fine, thus my comment above that it's no-one's business but their own who people are attracted to.


---------- Post added 17-01-2017 at 14:45 ----------


Just because a country has a law, which you don't agree with, does not make that country stupid or moronic and are not the words of a tolerant person.


You agree that homosexuality is not a choice that anyone has any control over? It's not something that can be cured? You agree with that surely. You agree that it's something that is inherent in a person, not a lifestyle decision?


If so, then I can't agree with you I'm afraid that legislating against it is reasonable.


Any law that persecutes someone for a character trait over which they have no control can be nothing other than stupid. You may as well criminalise tallness.

Edited by Andy1976
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Yes, and we were one such country that took until 1967 to decriminalise the consensual sexual acts of same sex couples over 21.


So not all that long ago we were as bad. We managed to abolish the death penalty earlier than that.

Thank you for the history lesson redfox, which was unnecessary. I remember at the time Roy Jenkins describing homosexuality as a disability.


America still have the death penalty and homosexuality is still not legal, according to some American states statute books. I don't think America is a bad country.

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Thank you for the history lesson redfox, which was unnecessary. I remember at the time Roy Jenkins describing homosexuality as a disability.


America still have the death penalty and homosexuality is still not legal, according to some American states statute books. I don't think America is a bad country.


The death penalty is a terrible comparison. People choose to commit crimes, particularly those which attract such punishments, save for a few sociological reasons. People don't choose to be gay.

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Not my cup of tea either. If you married a bisexual man or vice versa, could it be harder to find out if they were cheating on you with having same sex tendencies? To complicated for me.


Straight, Bi, Lesbian, Gay, other - a cheating scumbag is a cheating scumbag regardless of your sexual preference..

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But you do keep saying that's it's ok for someone to be gay because it's not their choice, as if it is was their choice then it wouldn't be ok. Does that make sense? It's probably not how you feel, but it's so often how the argument goes, that's it's only ok to be gay because it's not a choice. And I have never understood that.


I think youre attacking how the argument could go rather Andy1976 or my view.

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I think youre attacking how the argument could go rather Andy1976 or my view.


Perhaps, and it probably is semantics. Either way I didn't think either you or Andy were being anti-gay, perhaps my point just didn't come across right.


Final try to explain:

- Man prefers blondes to brunettes - no one cares or asks is it genetics that he does or is it actually a choice. No one says 'it's not his fault, no-one would choose blondes if they had a choice'.

- Man prefers men to women - everyone seems to care and suddenly it's about genetics, not a simple choice. People start saying 'it's not his fault, no-one would choose to be gay'.


Why the difference?

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I once dated a bisexual back in my late teens, t'was weird if i'm totally honest.. Lovely bloke, salt of the earth, heart of gold and all that but it just didnt sit right with me and we called it a day not long after..


Still friends with him, he's now happily married to a man! :)


---------- Post added 17-01-2017 at 15:48 ----------


Hell yes. But I would insist she unselfishly 'shares' her companion['s[. Who hasn't dreamt of 3 in a bed. Away with the inhibitions. superb:thumbsup: :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Would you be saying 'Hell Yes' if it was your GF/Wife asking for a threesome with you and another man :hihi::love:

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It's not normal to be bisexual, otherwise the Original Poster, would not have started this thread.


You're confusing "most common" with "normal".


Bisexuality is less common than hetrosexuality, but it's still normal.


---------- Post added 17-01-2017 at 17:03 ----------


Hell yes. But I would insist she unselfishly 'shares' her companion['s[. Who hasn't dreamt of 3 in a bed. Away with the inhibitions. superb:thumbsup: :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Have you confused bisexuality with polyamory or something?

You can be bisexual and monogamous, so there's nothing to share except the normal two way thing.

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Thank you for the history lesson redfox, which was unnecessary. I remember at the time Roy Jenkins describing homosexuality as a disability.


America still have the death penalty and homosexuality is still not legal, according to some American states statute books. I don't think America is a bad country.


Roy Jenkins was the Home Secretary a long time ago - he did decriminalise homosexuality though, so credit to him for that.


---------- Post added 17-01-2017 at 17:15 ----------


Yes, some cultures consider being gay is illegal. There are over 70 countries, where being gay is a criminal act, so it is not like saying being criminal is being stupid.


---------- Post added 17-01-2017 at 09:25 ----------


Dating someone with green eyes or a left hander is not really the same as dating a bisexual. You are comparing apples with oranges.


No it's not the same, but each are statistically not the norm. I don't ascribe a moral to either green eyes, left handedness or bisexuality. But it sounds like you do ascribe a moral to bisexuality. So perhaps, for the sake of the discussion, you might explain why?

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Dating someone with green eyes or a left hander is not really the same as dating a bisexual. You are comparing apples with oranges.


Not really. You wanted to define "not normal" as belonging to a minority group.

Red hair and green eyes are minority physical traits. Are they not normal?


---------- Post added 17-01-2017 at 17:21 ----------


Just because a country has a law, which you don't agree with, does not make that country stupid or moronic and are not the words of a tolerant person.


It is legitimate to consider some countries to be barbaric because of their laws though.

These includes laws against freedom of religion, freedom of sexuality and laws that repress particular groups (like not allowing women out in public without male family members with them).

These laws are barbaric as are the countries that pass them. Stupid or moronic isn't strong enough IMO.

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