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UKIP coming up on the inside!

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The UK Independence Party (UKIP) has no MPs but an opinion poll suggests they have replaced the Liberal Democrats as the third party in British politics.


A YouGov survey for The Sun found that UKIP, with 9% support, had pushed the Lib Dems, on 8%, into fourth place.








Is it time we get out... ?




With the likes of Abu Qatada costing us loads of money:

The man once dubbed “Osama bin Laden’s right hand man in Europe” has already cost the taxpayer more than £1.5 million in legal costs and benefits.


He is now likely to increase that bill by tens of thousands as he once again fights his removal through the domestic and European courts.




They now even want to waste money on renaming World War II:

A £7m TV channel in 22 languages and the Second World War airbrushed from European history at a £44m museum... eurocrats are spending like never before



As the euro crisis grips the continent, threatening the economies of a number of countries in the bloc, self-serving eurocrats have seen fit to splurge almost £50million of taxpayers' money on the 'House of European History' where the Second World War is known as the European Civil War and 'Year Zero' for the continent is set at 1946, when the forerunner to the EU was formed. Here James slack reports from the Brussels La-La-Land where money is being wasted on vanity projects like never before...





And, funnily enough Sheffield seems to have serious growing support for UKIP!

UKIP in Sheffield is delighted to announce the success of our ‘Target 28′ campaign to select 28 candidates for the 28 Council wards in Sheffield.


For the first time ever, all Sheffield residents will have a UKIP candidate to vote for at this May’s Council elections. In fact, this will be the first time the Party has fielded a full slate of council candidates in a major Northern city.


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If we are not given a referendum on Europe in any of the big 3 parties national manifesto's, and by that i mean an actual date, not another goal post mover, then UKIP i fear will be the 3rd party.


Now lets take this a little further.


Imagine if the votes went that the only possible coalition was Lab/UKIP......what would happen then?


UKIP will hugely divide the Tory vote, and you only need to read the Telegraph, FT, Mail, Sun boards and see they are moving in droves from the Tories to UKIP. Will the Tories have the balls to kick Cameron before the election if the polls say its necessary?


I would hazard a big guess here, but i think the Tories would kick Cameron out without any issue at all. They blame him and Osborne for not winning the election outright against a poor Labour government. The powerbase of Cameron/Osborne is mocked continually by those on the right. I dont see them pussy footing around, like Lab did with Brown, and allow themselves to lose an election rather than get rid of a leader.


There are lots of probabilities here...but there is one likelihood we can bank in the next 4 years. If Europe doesnt self destruct itself, the UK will get a referendum, because Joe Public will move to parties that give them the option.

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Hmmm, the talk before the 2010 election was that the third party - the Lib Dems - were going to romp home after Clegg's TV debates. And look what happened there.


No one ever said he would win an election. Lots of people said they may form a coalition.


They were correct. :)

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I always think Nigel Farage does really well on Question Time. Especially when you compare him to the regular childish tactics used by the other parties politicians.


Really? I suppose it personal opinion, but i often feels he comes across as Mr Angry Old Man Syndrome?

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