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What if science is wrong?

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Limitations have only been put in place by those who seek to control and conspire against the progression of Mankind for their own agenda's, we are waking up from a lie and everything is about to change.


That's nothing more than new age uber tosh... We aren't waking up from anything, and sadly, this view of some global awareness happening soon is ludicrous. We are decades - if not centuries - of developing in some wholly spiritual and altruistic manner - if we ever do!

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Last night I was watching something scientific. It got me thinking, what if the evidence we believe we have for scientific theories has been interpreted in a way to suit the scientists agenda or simply misinterpreted? Did we interpret things a particular way because it fit what we were looking for?


Now I'm pretty sure that the fact that I'm typing this on a computer is reason enough to believe scientists could be right about the majority of their work but, should I trust science just because things work?


Maybe believers in god are right. Perhaps we only discover how things work because god reveals the information to us in a way we understand. Hence why we will never truly understand some things.


Have you read Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol? This explores Noetics (albeit in a tabloidy trashy way).


I was reading Bill Bryson's latest - At Home - last night and there was an interesting piece about the humble potato. A member of the nightshade family, it was originally poisonous. But was modified and developed to become edible long before science could genetically modify it.

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Agriculture and Horticulture have been selectively breeding for thousands of years, the vast majority of which we understood that traits could be passed down generations and breed in/out, but not the mechanism by which it happened.

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We are fast waking up from our dormancy, the Slumbering entirity that is Mankind is beginning to break free from the shackles that have held us back from being our true selves for centuries. Our potential is finally being realised and the awareness that we are all one is upon us.*


The Universe in it's infinite abundance of opportunities and possibilities is ready to reveal itself. We are in a time which is the pinnacle of Mankinds existence prior to an evolutionary shift to transform us to into Universal Light Beings.


Mother Earth herself is changing with us and so are the rest of the planets in our solar system, the effect of our awakening is resonating through the Universe and is attracting the attention of civilizations throughout other galaxies.


Whatever you read, whatever you believe in, whatever you ponder or philosophise, know this.... You are part of the change whether you like it or not. It is bigger than you, it is bigger than all of us, yet it is all about is. It is about groups of people around the World who carry the light, who carry the love, those who seek HEAVEN on Earth. The massage has been carried through time and has been held safe in the hands of mystics, elders, shamen, esoteric teachers, mathematicians, theologians, philosophers and in more modern times, spiritualists. The more recent term for spiritualists is 'lightworkers', the ones who have held the utopian plan of Mankinds existence through generation upon generation.


The harmonic resonance of Mother Earth has increased as her inhabitants become more socially and ecologically aware, this vibration has been sounded out throughout the World, as the Earth evolves and grows, so are we. Our levels of consciousness are developing very quickly with the aid of communication and modern technologies, we are becoming more aware of who we are, where we are, what our potential is and where we can go.


Limitations have only been put in place by those who seek to control and conspire against the progression of Mankind for their own agenda's, we are waking up from a lie and everything is about to change.


Peace & Love.


How did you come by all of this? Do you have a source I can read through?

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Yes, it's called life & study. 26+ years of my life not watching Coronation Street and accumulating knowledge and wisdom of ancient and modern man, years of supernatural experiences including UFO encounters with multiple witnesses, if you could read my mind and the acquired knowledge then please help yourself.

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In response to the original post.


Not too long ago a scientist thought he'd turned physics on it's head by finding an experimental result that directly contradicted Einstein.


He told the scientific community about it and while some physicists stated publicly that it was bound to be an experimental error and treated the results with scepticism, they were all prepared to throw out established theory if the experimental results could be verified.


The results were found to be in error, and relativity still stands but if the results had been verified relativity would have been replaced with something else.


So if science is wrong I would say from those events, that science will accept the fact that it is wrong and move on, there won't be any suppression of repeatable contradictory results just because they disagree with established theory, red faces perhaps but no suppression, science does not have an agenda, it's not big brother, it's a search for the truth not a suppression of the truth.


Now turning this around slightly, what if religion were wrong, would we get the same response ?


Say some highly respected religious person, I'm not sure what the equivalent of a PHd is, produced evidence, which contradicted religious teachings, how would religious people react to this evidence ?

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When am I going to be transformed into a Universal Light Being?/


I know exactly, to the day, when I will become a Universal Light Being.


One of the first things I will be doing when we get to Florida is riding the Hulk roller-coaster in Universal Islands Of Adventure. I reckon I will momentarily become a Universal Light Being.



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Yes, it's called life & study. 26+ years of my life not watching Coronation Street and accumulating knowledge and wisdom of ancient and modern man, years of supernatural experiences including UFO encounters with multiple witnesses, if you could read my mind and the acquired knowledge then please help yourself.


Have you ever been prescribed medication for mental illness?


I don't mean to be rude, but you expect us to believe that nonsense you just posted based on your vast 26 years of life experience and UFO encounters! If your original post hadn't been way out there already, your UFO encounters would be ringing my 'bonkers' alarm right now.

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