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As an invited customer, can I steal from a shop?

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Another one inspired by the parking threads.


I often read the excuse that it's acceptable to overstay or abuse parking somewherebecause they invited me on to their land.


Can this argument be used elsewhere? Is it ever acceptable to abuse the welcome of others?


Talk to me.

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I've never actually seen anyone present an argument that it is acceptable to park on someone else's land without permission; but many people are eager to point out that unless the owner sues you in the courts, he cannot force you to pay him for the privilege.


Perhaps some people do think that "I can get away with it" is what is meant by "acceptable." That would be a depressing comment on society, but it wouldn't be the first one I've heard.

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I've never actually seen anyone present an argument that it is acceptable to park on someone else's land without permission; but many people are eager to point out that unless the owner sues you in the courts, he cannot force you to pay him for the privilege.


Perhaps some people do think that "I can get away with it" is what is meant by "acceptable." That would be a depressing comment on society, but it wouldn't be the first one I've heard.


You must have at least read the guy on here who says he does it as a game. I understand that yes, parking is only really about vehicles and land and no-one actually gets hurt. But it does raise the question as to how far can a person take such behaviour before it becomes immoral?


Is it ok to snide something out of the change from the tenner that the old dear gave you as she asked you to fetch her some spuds from the shop?

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You must have at least read the guy on here who says he does it as a game. I understand that yes, parking is only really about vehicles and land and no-one actually gets hurt. But it does raise the question as to how far can a person take such behaviour before it becomes immoral?


Is it ok to snide something out of the change from the tenner that the old dear gave you as she asked you to fetch her some spuds from the shop?


I've glanced at that thread I think - is the one where he brags about parking like an arse and inconveniencing other people ?


Of course it isn't right to steal stuff. You should try and park sensibly but alot don't and get clobbered with waaayyy over the top fines. There isn't a happy medium as far as parking is concerned but stealing is stealing.

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Another one inspired by the parking threads.


I often read the excuse that it's acceptable to overstay or abuse parking somewherebecause they invited me on to their land.


Can this argument be used elsewhere? Is it ever acceptable to abuse the welcome of others?


Talk to me.


Only if your momma didnt bring you up right

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I've glanced at that thread I think - is the one where he brags about parking like an arse and inconveniencing other people ?


Of course it isn't right to steal stuff. You should try and park sensibly but alot don't and get clobbered with waaayyy over the top fines. There isn't a happy medium as far as parking is concerned but stealing is stealing.


It depends, in some cases it is essential you 'steal'.


If you have no land to grow food upon, and no food to eat, and a land monopolist deprives you of access to land/food, then you must rob him blind in order to survive and you commit no wrong.


The original theft being the wrong, that being the theft of the land from the people!


By participating in this system your legitimising the theft, unless you do not participate, shun the £ and ignore property law, taking only the victuals you need, building your own house, growing your own food etc. and conducting trade via non £ denominated barter, then your essentially complicit in the theft.

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No, a person is guilty of theft if:

He dishonestly,



Belonging to another

With the intention

of permanently depriving

The the other of it.


Exactly. Shoplifting is stealing, it's a criminal offence.


Parking disputes are a civil matter, if the parking company can't win a civil case because they're busy illegally ripping off people that don't know any better then they deserve what they get.


I'd say if there was a charge for parking & you're avoiding that charge then it's a bit different, you should be liable for the charge you didn't pay, but slightly overstaying in a free car park... you can see there's a grey area. Private companies can't fine you or impose penalty charges, only a court, the police or a local authority can do that.

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It depends, in some cases it is essential you 'steal'.


If you have no land to grow food upon, and no food to eat, and a land monopolist deprives you of access to land/food, then you must rob him blind in order to survive and you commit no wrong.


The original theft being the wrong, that being the theft of the land from the people!


By participating in this system your legitimising the theft, unless you do not participate, shun the £ and ignore property law, taking only the victuals you need, building your own house, growing your own food etc. and conducting trade via non £ denominated barter, then your essentially complicit in the theft.


This is why petty shoplifting is usually a caution or small fine. Theft is wrong, but there are greater wrongs. I'd rather see somebody steal food than starve.


Overstaying in a half empty free car park isn't even really theft at all, at worst it's breach of a possibly unclear contract. You should be liable for whatever losses the landowner can prove in court & nothing else.


There was the original land theft, people only own land because other people took it by force & sold it on. Land reform isn't just for ex-colonies in Africa, the same happened here with the aristocracy taking the land off everybody else & selling it back to us. It's important for every aspect of life, land monopoly is a big issue, I'm right behind you on that, chem1st, but it is going off on a tangent in this thread. It's also been going on in this country for over a thousand years, it's something that will be quite hard to change.

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