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How Jews remember the holocaust. (Bit strange really)

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on another site I use.


I think it quite impressive how they all stop. Would we allow that here? I think Health and Safety would likely stop it.


The siren surely gets annoying though. As many on YouTube have stated. It doesn't leave much room for the silent contemplation.


Does it appear a bit forced to you or am I being a bit cynical?

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Brilliant. You get a idea of a jews mentality. NEVER AGAIN . They will not let Iran get that bomb and even though they make themselves unpopular they will route out terrorists in Gaza before they do much harm


You got all that from the video?

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in Jerusalem it's only like that in the new Jewish city. Everywhere else in the city which is about the same size as Sheffield it isn't really observed.


I have seen this myself there best place is in the pedestrian section, where everybody just stops and freezes. I never got the chance to observe similar situation, because I am too young, of Remembrance Day November 11th in London, between the wars, 1919-39. I do know that all the traffic, cars, buses, everything, came to a standstill, and men saluted, out of remembrance for the high level of loss of life. Why can we do that, but there's something wrong, when Jews do the same when they remember their dead and missing.

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