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Identify these old photos?


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Can you identify these three old photo's. They are all on glass plates and are from around the 1900's? They are supposed to have been taken in the sheffield area, but i dont recognise anything. In the centre of photo 3 the sign says "Symons hair cutting and shaving rooms".




interesting photo's. not sure but no1 could be from the bottom of the moor looking up towards town (where manpower services building is now) tram tracks going to our left would be for ecclesall rd.

No 2 looks to be taken from the top of fargate with wilson pecks on the right and barkers pool and timpsons corner in front.

No 3 for some reason heeley bottom comes to mind especially with the hills in the background.

Hope this helps.

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It’s peterw again — not exactly throwing a spanner in the works. This time, questions. Question 1. Did Sheffield trams ever terminate at the bottom of The Moor? Look closely at jpg2 and you’ll see that beyond the tram there are no tracks. When was the Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-op built?


Again, I’m only guessing but the I believe the picture could be at the bottom of The Moor. The road to the right is Ecclesall Road, the road in the middle is Cemetery Road and the road to the left is London Road — all of them before they had tram tracks.


The Co-op, for those who don’t remember, backed on to Cemetery Road and had an arcade.

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Forgot to mention, jpg1. If this was the view looking from the bottom of The Moor up to the City Centre, (another question) wouldn’t the former St. Paul’s Church, which stood on the site of the Peace Gardens, obscure the view of the Town Hall?

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Interesting photographs.


I'm almost certain that Photo.#1 is a view looking up the Moor, towards Town. There are a number of other photos. floating around in various books, etc. that show basically the same view.


Apart from the buildings in the haze (more likely smog) in the background which are difficult to identify, the give-away are the stone pillars and railings on the extreme right. These were along the front yard of what used to be Brunswick Methodist Church. This was a fine old stone building, complete with pillars, that used to sit opposite the bottom of Ecclesall Road. It was still there in the late 1940s/early 50s - as some kind of furniture store I think - but was demolised to make way for St Mary's Gate.


Don't be fooled by the tram track. Remember, in the beginning, the tramways were privately owned and horse-drawn. They were still horse drawn when the Sheffield Corporation took them over early last century. The corporation did the electrification.


When horse-drawn, trams went along the Moor and up London Road. They also went up Cemetery Road to Nether Edge. That's the track turn-out you see on the photo. They did not run on every major road. A tram service up Ecclesall Road came later.


Soon after the electrification, the junction was dug-up and the connection made to go up Ecclesall Road. I'm was told that the street was torn-up for weeks while the work was done and caused a lot disruption. Can't remember when they stopped the tram service to Nether Edge.


I don't think Photo. #2 & #3 are of Sheffield. I don't recognize any of the buildings.


Photo.2 looks like it could be looking up High Street at what used to be Coles Corner but as someone has already pointed out, the perspective is wrong. The tram track is also in the wrong place. finally, I don't recognize the clock tower on the right either.


Photo 3 shows a split level section of street on the left. The only street I remember that was like this was the start of Barnsley Road at the Toll Bar in Pitsmoor. Pitsmoor was never so well developed as shown on the photo.

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Hi Falls — We’ve been doing some enhancement on these photographs. Not completed yet but the ‘haze’ in the background hasn’t been a problem. We’ve used Photoshop CS2’s magnetic lassoo to cling on to the available pixels and discovered that the tall “building” on the right is actually the top of another building, looking at it sideways on. So, you can forget about that. The tram in the other picture isn’t a horse tram so my questions are relevant. I agree it’s more than likely The Moor at Ecclesall Road, and as a child living at Sharrow I well remember the old church at the bottom. Nice to hear your views. I don’t doubt that eventually all our questions, and the mysteries of the photographs will be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

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jpeg 1: Th sign on the left is ‘Boots the Chemist’. The sign on the right is ‘Typhoo Tea’. Electric trams began in Sheffield in 1899. Find out where Boots The Chemist was around the turn of that century and you’ve got the location. Hoorah!

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Picture 2 looks like the bottom of Fargate looking towards where the HSBC bank is... fargate runs to the left and Church Street runs to the right of the picture and the clock tower you can see on the right maybe 'Telegraph House'


just a guess really...


We've already been through that one - the architecture is wrong. Next Guess!

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jpeg 1: Th sign on the left is ‘Boots the Chemist’. The sign on the right is ‘Typhoo Tea’. Electric trams began in Sheffield in 1899. Find out where Boots The Chemist was around the turn of that century and you’ve got the location. Hoorah!


Boots was on Snig Hill - opened in 1884 it was the first outside Nottingham.....


I go along with all the posts earlier, and that we need to look beyond Sheffield for two of them.

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