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Identify these old photos?


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I keep looking at these pic's, and more and more I think it is not all Sheffield.


I understand that some images look like the Moor, top of Fargate etc. But the Hill in the background means it can't be Sheff (at least not that one)


Do we know if the images are of the same place ?


I would say that it could be Bath depicted in any of those pic's, with it's long streets and crescents, the architecture looks as though it could be, not to mention the hill (after all Bath is in a Bowl)


Saying that, someone mentioned Edinburgh. Therefore is it viable that these are pictures of Bath, Edinburgh and Sheffield, these being Cities built on 7 hills ?


Just a thought.


p.s The missus is from Bath, I'll let her have a look later.

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Having had a second look I am not so sure these three are the same town.


Especially No 3 - I cannot remember any major roads in Sheffield having a split down the middle with two diferent heights like this one.


Also look at the clothing on a couple of the men. One of them towards the right of the pic is wearing white trousers and a white hat.


There is another guy wearing a white hat in the middle of the pic. Now this may be ok for a walk in the park but not the city centre - unless you were on holiday - if this were a coastal town that would explain the hills in the background - quite a number of seaside towns nestle in cliff surrounded bays.


Another clue for you keen eyed Sherlocks (which I cannot get clear enough) can be found on the first building on the left above the ladder.


Can anyone make out the lettering up there?? - it looks German to me - I am just going on the length of the first word on the second hoarding - from what I can see it has got eleven letters.


That would make it a very long English word - and very unusual - but not out of place any where in Germany.


Like I said - I dont have the facilty to look into detail, but I hope I have given the more eagle eyed a couple of clues

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Originally posted by artisan

That would make it a very long English word - and very unusual - but not out of place any where in Germany.


I am sure you are right there that is definitely not English writing


The ladder picture (with the Hill) has 2 hoardings on it. I beleive these are seperate stores. And the writing is most definately in English not German.


The sign on the left as you look at it includes the words 'supply' and proprietor.


The sign on the right begins on the top line with Manufacturers Depot. The second line says 'Devon and Jones' (definately the word Devon anyway) then Barnstaple, then the third line Art Pottery. So Devon and Jones Barnstaple Pottery Depot.


Please see this recent picture of Barnstaple High St (I think it's the same St, you can clearly see the hill at the end of the St)




It is indeed by the sea and the Taw River.


Your thougths ?

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Oh I knew this would be fun!!


looking at Barnstaple (I've never been) on Google Earth it would appear that what could be the High Street - or whatever its called (if the pic is of the High Street) could look straight onto the side of a hill.


lovabulrogue - what software do you use to look at the pics - or is it just my ageing eyes letting me down?

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