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Positive Affirmation

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Hehehe, yes I see... That is for the hopelessly gullible ones, I am simply passing forward knowledge that I have acquired which worked well for me, it's a take it or leave it situation.


Not everything posted on Sheffield Forum requires debate, all I ask is read it, act on it or dismiss it and carry on with something else which suits you better.


You're a fraud! ;)


'Act on it or dismiss it and carry on with it blah...'


That is one or the other.


You posted something to me on a thread I posted in, then deleted it. I know what it said, because I know how to read deleted posts.


Practice before you preach Sir/Ma'am. :)

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I invite you to a week long study into the effects of positive affirmations.


It's so easy to do and can be very rewarding.


The human body is a transmitter and receiver of information on many levels, the laws of attraction state that whatever you transmit, you WILL attract.


A very simple proof, if required is how contagious a smile is, and laughter too, you are eluding harmonious vibrations which others pick up on and react to.


So here is the experiment, all you have to do is repeat the following positive affirmation or mantra in your mind as much as you like, whenever you can. You can change it around a little if you wish to suit your personal needs but here is the basic affirmation...


"health, wealth and happiness surround me"


That's it, just repeat it to your self quietly in your mind then watch and wait for the laws of attraction to 'pay up'..! You are transmitting this message both consciously and subconsciously, once you begin and get comfortable with saying it over and over in your mind, it will become part of your daily routine when you have free time such as driving to work or by bus, in the gym, bath wherever you like, it works, it works very well... But it does take your belief, even if only partial and the will to make health, wealth and happiness very prominent in your life..


Try it, it's freeeeeee


Peace & Love.


tl:dr .

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I believe Fresno to be a place name, this has no relative connection to my post. I'm a little confused, do you believe that the word no should be eradicated from common grammar in order to promote positivity?


The affirmation is written clearly in quotation marks (") the connection that you have attempted to make is very strange, maybe this exercise isn't for you, that's not a bad thing, it undeniably wouldn't be resonate with everyone.

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You're a fraud! ;)


'Act on it or dismiss it and carry on with it blah...'


That is one or the other.


You posted something to me on a thread I posted in, then deleted it. I know what it said, because I know how to read deleted posts.


Practice before you preach Sir/Ma'am. :)


There is no element of fraud involved here, the method worked for me and the whole idea of sharing this information is to allow others to experiment and make their own conclusions.


The affirmation exercise is largely dependent on a person already possessing an element of positivity about life, I would imagine there would be no results at all from negative, argumental types. The exercise is aimed at people who have a sufficient level of wisdom and maturity and above all, an open mind. If this doesn't appeal to you then that's fine, there is no fee or contract, it's simply an offer to take part in an experiment to ascertain the potential of positive affirmations in ones life. I hope this answers your question and that you may now be at peace.

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The original Intention was a suggested exercise open to anyone to try, the idea of debating the validity of positive affirmations didn't enter my mind at this stage. I would have anticipated debate being followed by trial ?

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There is no element of fraud involved here, the method worked for me and the whole idea of sharing this information is to allow others to experiment and make their own conclusions.


The affirmation exercise is largely dependent on a person already possessing an element of positivity about life, I would imagine there would be no results at all from negative, argumental types. The exercise is aimed at people who have a sufficient level of wisdom and maturity and above all, an open mind. If this doesn't appeal to you then that's fine, there is no fee or contract, it's simply an offer to take part in an experiment to ascertain the potential of positive affirmations in ones life. I hope this answers your question and that you may now be at peace.


I didn't saying your techniques were a fraud, I said you were.


However, I was merely pointing out that you contradicted your own teachings. I did put a wink smiley (;)) to indicate that I was only jesting though, which was what I was doing :)


I am at peace thanks, hope you are :)

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Not everything posted on Sheffield Forum requires debate


It's a good job as I've sent you a series of questions (at your own request) and made points in reply to another of your posts both of which you have completely ignored.


That, of course, is your perogotive but it would help spread the 'peace and love' of you were kind enough to at least acknowledge that you have no intention of responding rather than kust ignoring them.

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"health, wealth and happiness surround me"




I did this some time ago and it worked, everyone round me became healthy, wealthy and happy, imagine how miserable that has made me with all this health, wealth and happiness surrounding me, whilst I am still poor, ill and unhappy.:(

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I believe Fresno to be a place name, this has no relative connection to my post. I'm a little confused, do you believe that the word no should be eradicated from common grammar in order to promote positivity?


Why not? - When I was a child, 'gay' meant 'happy' 'invigorated' 'full of life'.

By the time I was a teen. it meant (and I am using the worst possible words here) 'shirt lifter' 'turd burglar'.


I had a few friends who might possibly have been homosexual. - I lived in a place in which homosexuality was totally illegal (until quite recently) but [and you'd have to understand how we think to understand this] it didn't apply, because nobody was actually homosexual.:hihi::hihi: - Homosexuality was illegal and one's friends were one's friends, so they couldn't possible be homosexual.


Nobody had to bother about 'coming out' because they were all your friends ...I lived in a very civilised society.


It was life. It is the way we are.


The affirmation is written clearly in quotation marks (") the connection that you have attempted to make is very strange, maybe this exercise isn't for you, that's not a bad thing, it undeniably wouldn't be resonate with everyone.


FresNO FresYES? - grow a sense of Humour!


Do you know the story about La Jolla?


A pair of Brits (both of whom were a little 'light in their loafers'(I put that in to wind you up :)) were driving down 66.


They'd had a hard night (far too much beer) on Central in Albuquerque, left eartly, headed West and - by the time they were approaching La Jolla were barely on speaking terms.


One said: "40 Miles to La Joller" The other said: "Don't be an arsehole, it's 'La Hoya' "


The argument raged for 30 miles.


"La Joller"

"La Hoya"


Eventually they reached an agreement:


"The FIRST place we get to in this town - the VERY FIRST Place - we stop and we ask them. We go with the answer."




They get there . They pull into the first place they see and one of them (the loud-mouthed one) says:










I've done my bit.


WTF is 'Positive Affirmation'?

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