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Please sign my petition for our local school

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I have no question you believe its a worthy cause but it just isn't so i just feel it isn't worth wasting your time.


It isn't as simple as that in terms of the money there may have been a thousand different things the money could have been spent on ie essential building repairs, new equipment for the pupils computers etc, its not as simple as the developers gifted them some money so they can expand.


When there is a substantial amount of children been rejected i would have signed and said good luck with it but its just 11 and in my opinion that doesn't warrant thousands of pounds of expansion.


Do i think they should expand to accomodate extra pupils? YES


Do i think they will expand? NO


Quite frankly I dont understand your mentality! You believe fighting for the right of your child to attend the village school is a waste of time? Why isn't it "as simple as that in terms of money"? We and the rest of our village were told by the council that the builders of the new estate were given planning permission with the proviso that they gifted money to EXPAND the school thus making sure there would be enough room for any new children coming into the area, plus yet another new estate is being built behind the school (on land that belonged to the school but was sold off by the council!) which implies even more children will be attending does it not? You have read only a short note asking for peoples support by signing the petition, you know nothing of whats going on behind the scenes and how hard the parents of these "rejected" children (what a word to use in relation to children!) are working to reverse the situation. Our local elections are coming up very soon and on one of the many leaflets pushed through my letterbox one of those councillors clearly stated that there was £33 million to spend on our local schools, all Treeton parents are asking for is some type of prefab for the time being so their children can carry on where they began in TREETON SCHOOL thus saving the "rejected" children much trauma, upheaval and possible problems further on in their education. Wether it be 1 child or 30 they ALL have the right to attend their village school.

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