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People not wanting to work?

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Earn £1, lose £1.


Work for nothing. And that's before you take into account the cost of working (transport to, time spent and sustenance in the form of food/clothing).


At least slaves of times gone by got housed and fed! Their slavery was work AND bread.


But that isn't working for nothing. That is working for your income... as opposed to not working for your income. What is wrong with that?

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But that isn't working for nothing. That is working for your income... as opposed to not working for your income. What is wrong with that?


You can pour a glass of water from the tap in your home. Alternatively you can walk to the well and collect some water, carry it home and pour a glass of water.


What do you do?

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If you're an employee & you're seeing all your bills, everything you pay for rise by 5.2%, aren't you going to want your wages to go up by at least that amount? Money is worth less every year, you have to at least get wage increases that match price inflation to be paid the same in real terms. Usually wage inflation is higher than price inflation, benefits are linked to price inflation, so they get lower each year as a proportion of average wages. I think that was actually Maggie's fault, you can look it up. It's possible to blame nearly everything wrong with the world on Maggie, with quite a lot of justification.


A lot of production these days is highly automated & not that labour intensive, high quality things that the Chinese can't produce, or they're service industries that can't be replaced by cheap overseas labour.


Another thing to consider is we've seen our exchange rate fall, the pound is worth much less on world markets than it was 5 years ago. Imports - most of the things we buy are more expensive & our exports are cheaper. Our manufacturers are doing quite well because of that, their exports are cheaper than they would be if we were in the Euro, or if the pound didn't devalue so much, so it could be worse.


If I want somebody to do a job for me then I believe in paying them fairly. I don't squeeze people for the lowest they can possibly manage on before they leave & do something else, because that causes poorly motivated workers, they probably wouldn't do as good a job & it'd end up costing me more to do it again.


If you want to make the situation more realistic to me, then I could get all my websites made in India & pay them peanuts, but then I'd get low quality websites that cost more to maintain. It's not worth it for me & by the time Indian programmers catch up with British programmers they'll be demanding similar wages.


Indian programmers are better than british ones. they cost less and work harder, more qualified too generally. By 2020 most programming work will be outsourced to leverage these advantages.

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Housing, council tax, child benefit etc. the vast majority are working and in decent jobs. Have you not seen the recent budget.


Again, why have they forgotten to mention it? The programme was about finding work.


Is it the rioting season yet?


And you'll be pleased when it happens yeah? You mention it enough. You NEED it to happen to prove your agenda is right.

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A rather simplistic view

I summarised the programme.


, but then again, look at the target viewers. There seems to be a lot of these TVs shows around at the moment trying to influence public opinion and villifying people, I wonder why that might be?


I don't know, who are the target audience?


I don't know, you tell me.

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I watched it on catch up this morning. I don't know if I'm part of the 'target audience', I watch a wide range of stuff on the telly, I have the time as I don't work now. :cool:


I still believe a work ethic is mainly learnt in the home. A child brought up knowing their parents are making an effort to provide for them will have a very different experience to a child who lives in a non working family. Also, if a young person is in a supportive family, they can take a low paid job to start them off in the world of work.


IMO its best to start low and aim higher, than to never start at all. ;)

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IMO its best to start low and aim higher, than to never start at all. ;)


If households were treated as households, with points for adults and points for children, and given varying tax thresholds and benefits we could easily solve it.


An adult and child needs more than a single adult. Their tax threshold should be higher.

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