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Shin splints? How long to heal?

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i was running the other day and i felt a pain i've felt before. It was on the bottom part of my legs towards the shins. When i walk it hurts slightly and i feel it when i sit down after i've been on my feet. Have i got shin splints? And how long on average to resume running again? Appreciate any advice thanks.

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I had splints from football, I took 6 weeks off and the pain went but came back after 20 minutes of playing again. I then had to take another 3 months off and they got better 80%. It has been a year or so now and they still ache after a game, but the pain is bearable.

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Rest ice and stretch them. give it till they don't hurt anymore and start again slowly. if they start to hurt again, stop and rest some more. it differs on severity but push thru and your asking for months off.


how old are your shoes because that can cause them too

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Rest ice and stretch them. give it till they don't hurt anymore and start again slowly. if they start to hurt again, stop and rest some more. it differs on severity but push thru and your asking for months off.


how old are your shoes because that can cause them too if they are past their best.

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shin splints are problems caused by how you run, the types of shoes worn and weak muscle at front of shin (wont bore you with terminology) easiest way to sort is buy resistance bands, sit on floor legs to front, feet together and slight bend in knee,then if got training partner get them to sit opposite you and place band over your toes and training partner hold other part of band and when tension in band is enough that a slight stretch in band achieved, then keep all of leg still and curl toes towards shin pulling at band, hold for 5 seconds and relax, repeat 6 to 8 times then rest 2 mins and repeat, do this 3 to 5 times a week, this will strengthen the muscle and make life easier when running.

over all 2 months max for strengthening and not suffering as much, also run on grass for a while as softer running ground eases pain too. any questions please ask or pm me, (im a personal trainer so advice free) but workout routines i charge for lol.

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Rest ice and stretch them. give it till they don't hurt anymore and start again slowly. if they start to hurt again, stop and rest some more. it differs on severity but push thru and your asking for months off.


how old are your shoes because that can cause them too if they are past their best.


my shoes are fairly new with bespoke insoles.

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