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Why Steel in Sheffield?


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Being an exiled Sheffielder I was asked a question which I couldn't answer,perhaps someone here can help.

Why did Sheffield become famous for producing steel & cutlery?

Certain cities brew beer because of water quality but what is the main reason for Steel production in Sheffield.

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Sheffield's situation—amongst a number of fast-flowing rivers and streams surrounded by hills containing raw materials such as coal, iron ore, ganister, and millstone grit for grindstones—made it an ideal place for water-powered industries to develop.[51] Water wheels were often built for the milling of corn, but many were converted to the manufacture of blades. As early as the 14th century Sheffield was noted for the production of knives.



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I suppose in the very early days because Sheffield is built amongst seven hills, similar to Rome, water flowed downhill creating rivers which were used to drive water wheels which in turn provided drive to grinding wheels and other types of workshop equipment etc. Later on when Benjamin Huntsman devised his Crucible method of steelmaking, which resulted in a purer form of steel, the industry exploded from that.


I'm just kinda guessing.



P.S. I really should have read the post above first.

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Well it doesn't seem to be making much steel now, a whole industry gone!


More steel than ever I thought?


Just with machines, not men.


Hence all the unemployed men and underemployed men on low wages. The machines being owned by the rich.

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More steel than ever I thought?


Just with machines, not men.


Hence all the unemployed men and underemployed men on low wages. The machines being owned by the rich.

The world over i'm afraid these greedy over rich should be made to live in the countrys they support i know we could do with losing a few:mad::mad::mad:

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Well it doesn't seem to be making much steel now, a whole industry gone!


hiya, i had the same idea about the amount of steel made in sheffield until i read in the star that today more steel tonnage is produced than at any time in the past.

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Being an exiled Sheffielder I was asked a question which I couldn't answer,perhaps someone here can help.

Why did Sheffield become famous for producing steel & cutlery?

Certain cities brew beer because of water quality but what is the main reason for Steel production in Sheffield.


Or, to quote from the Yorkshire dialect poem 'Death of a River'


Course, that were't time when knights were bold,

T'were a fair place in't merry England of old,

But things began to change, summat were to blame,

Industrial Revolution to gi' it a name.


Men came t' valley an' started diggin' in't grarned,

Can't a bin long afore summat were farned,

In among limestone thi' were coal 'an ore,

So thi' built mills an' factories on't valley floor.

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