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'Hypocrite' Ken Livingstone Admits to using Private Healthcare.

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Even more hypocracy from Red Ken. Claims to be a champion of the NHS but goes private himself.





Shock horror, hold the front page.....................a hypocritical Socialist. You don't see that every day. Oh wait, yes you do.

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Shock horror, hold the front page.....................a hypocritical Socialist. You don't see that every day. Oh wait, yes you do.


The Labour party has lost all its credibility with many decidedly dodgy affairs. The MP's expenses for one.


A once great party is the shell of its former self. Full of Champagne Charlies, career politicians and charlatons.


Anyone who still votes Labour has to be a mug.

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I agree Shogun, i have voted labour all my life and i always will, but if i had the money i would pay for private medical treatment, can any body give me a good reason why i shouldn't, i can understand why members of the labour party get some stick though for going private

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I agree Shogun, i have voted labour all my life and i always will, but if i had the money i would pay for private medical treatment, can any body give me a good reason why i shouldn't, i can understand why members of the labour party get some stick though for going private



If Smarmy Dave or one of the Tories on here had an accident I bet they wouldn't refuse getting into an NHS owned ambulance, just because they don't agree with the concept of free health provision, so would that also make them hypocrites?

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The Labour party has lost all its credibility with many decidedly dodgy affairs. The MP's expenses for one.


A once great party is the shell of its former self. Full of Champagne Charlies, career politicians and charlatons.


Anyone who still votes Labour has to be a mug.

A bit like the Torys then' well your talking to a mug now and I have always been a mug then.

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I agree Shogun, i have voted labour all my life and i always will, but if i had the money i would pay for private medical treatment, can any body give me a good reason why i shouldn't, i can understand why members of the labour party get some stick though for going private

My missus is a radiographer and has moved from the NHS to work for the private sector she says that the cuts in the finance are having a big affect on the NHS and they have made thousands of nurses redundant, the moral in the NHS is at an all time low some of the students from last year have not even got a position yet, it is the same every time the Torys get in all they do cut the NHS back, they would like it gone and get it back to the Victorian times when if you could not pay for a Doctor you died.

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