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'Hypocrite' Ken Livingstone Admits to using Private Healthcare.

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Ken will do anything to get elected, won't he?


He's been caught out using racist language now he expects the electorate to except his latest embarrassment re the health care. There's nothing wrong with private health care but if Ken has any credibility he would have always championed private and public health care, but he hasn't.


There's six more lies from Ken here...



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It is always quite amusing when people do the whole "The NHS is in a crisis" thing - claims like that have been made as long as I have been alive, I remember talking about it when my parents were there and they said the same, that the claims had been made as long as they could remember. I bet they started the week after it was founded.


To be fair to the last Labour administration, they did increase significantly the spending on the NHS which has helped modernize it and alleviate the problems of decades of chronic underfunding.

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The Labour party has lost all its credibility with many decidedly dodgy affairs. The MP's expenses for one.


A once great party is the shell of its former self. Full of Champagne Charlies, career politicians and charlatons.


Anyone who still votes Labour has to be a mug.


Is someone who switches to Labour also a mug?personally I think anyone who advises another how to vote,by attaching peurile conditions,is oppressive and incapable of greater sophistication.

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To be fair to the last Labour administration, they did increase significantly the spending on the NHS which has helped modernize it and alleviate the problems of decades of chronic underfunding.


As did the Major administration, as did the Thatcher administration.. ditto Wilson, ditto Heath, Wilson again, Macmillan, all the way back to Attlee when it was introduced.


And it's never worked. It still isn't working. At what point do people begin to realise that throwing more money at the NHS does not solve its problems?

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