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'Hypocrite' Ken Livingstone Admits to using Private Healthcare.

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I wouldn't bother. The folk in London seem to have seen through Ken pretty well. There are just a few die hards on here who are desperate to try to justify his self serving attitudes.




It is a pity that the Blair Government spent so much more than the country could afford, ran up such massive debts and ran such a huge budget deficit that budgets are now having to be cut to pay for it all.


Are you suggesting that we can't afford to send the same amount on health care as our European neighbours?

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If Smarmy Dave or one of the Tories on here had an accident I bet they wouldn't refuse getting into an NHS owned ambulance, just because they don't agree with the concept of free health provision, so would that also make them hypocrites?


Dave is a major supporter of the NHS after the experiences his wife and he had with their son.

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Here we go, all the reds crawling out from under the bed! When are you going to accept the fact that your creed has failed?


LABOUR has left this country skint EVERY time they have been in power. Thank god for Dave and George. They will put things right.

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As you well know, Penguin, public spending was actually less as a proportion of GDP, under Labour, than it had been under the useless disaster that was Major. It was the bailout of the Bankers, which was fully supported by the Cons which ran up the budget deficit.

Nice try though!


"The disaster of Major" left this country solvent. The wonders of NEW Labour Blair and Brown left us bankrupt.

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Surely even someone who dislikes labour so much can see that the cons are up to there old tricks already. "We are all in it together" unless you are rich!


I don't think labour were without faults during the latter period of their last term, but I'd have odds on that the cons would have done mostly the same. And the lefts argument that labour crippled the economy. The banks crippled the economy, and that would have happened regardless of who was in power.


The Banks did ruin the economy, under the supervision of the LABOUR party. You can speculate as to what the Tories may have done but the fact is that your pals were in POWER at the time. LABOUR are responsible.

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The Banks did ruin the economy, under the supervision of the LABOUR party.

That's not technically true. The banks ruined the economy due to unregulated finance industries, which was then bailed out by the Labour Party. That doesn't mean anyone is uniquely innocent or anyone is totally to blame.

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That's not technically true. The banks ruined the economy due to unregulated finance industries, which was then bailed out by the Labour Party. That doesn't mean anyone is uniquely innocent or anyone is totally to blame.


You can then add, that if it wasn't for the bank’s lending money to anyone with a pulse, there wouldn't have been an economy to ruin, we would have been bankrupt before the banking crisis.

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You can then add, that if it wasn't for the bank’s lending money to anyone with a pulse, there wouldn't have been an economy to ruin, we would have been bankrupt before the banking crisis.


I wonder if you could explain what you mean i can remember when it was very hard to get a mortgage "the £ was very strong" as is now to get a mortgage you have to have something like 20% deposit, and now the £ is one of the strongest currencies in the world.

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