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Free community active initiative needs more support!

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FunMeFit is a new initiative to help families in Sheffield and around the UK get active through a social media-led community.


We're trying to help more families access fun fitness activities not only just for mum, dad, kids, grandma but all the family together as well.


Our website: http://www.funmefit.com is doing well with 147 members - a mixture of sports clubs and organisations offering their activities, offers and news and some individuals and families.


Through a community forum, we help families access information, find fun and healthy things to do as well as chat and make new friends. Even if you're not interested in getting fit yourself but want to find something different for the kids to do like cycling or a day camp, FunMeFit is the place.


We also help sports clubs - big and small promote what they do, share their activities on facebook and twitter and if it's bloggable, we'll blog it! As a team, you can set up a group on the website and invite members (including your current ones) so that news and timetables are easily shared.


Please just check it out, we need your support! We are a self-funded family-run project who are trying to help our community and families across the UK.


Please join today and boost our numbers and share your fitness experiences! Or you can Facebook Like or follow on Twitter! Or all three!


Any other help/support that you can offer, please PM me!!


Eternally grateful,





Twitter: @FunMeFit

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