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Would you like an EU Referendum?

Would you like a referendum on our membership of the EU?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like a referendum on our membership of the EU?

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Only if you ignore the various wars that have taken place in that time, mostly in the Balkans.


Civil war, technically but as they've split into Bosnia, Croatia etc you have a point.


But we havent had France v Germany, France v England etc etc. So that's good !!

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Europe is broke. THe EU is run by unelected European Commisioners at great expense. It is a gravy train for the few. That is why they want to keep it running against against the odds. They do not like the British and never have. (They wouldn't even let us join at first.)


The new markets are the BRIC countries. We also have Commonwealth links around the World. These are the markets we should be focussing on. The EU is /will become a millstone round our necks.


We should leave.

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WE have just given 10 billion to the IMF which is also being used to bail out Europe.


Maybe you need to take a bit more time reading the news as your wrong again. We haven't given anything to anybody, we have loaned just under £10 billion to the IMF.


Although we'd rather not loan the money, we do benefit from the stability that the IMF is working towards and it would have been churlish not to contribute towards it's resources.


This is peanuts compared to the amount that Eurozone countries have been bailed out, Greece's alone runs into the hundreds of billions.

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of course it is


Tell you what, lets put that to the test. We can leave the EU and if in a few years we've nuked the Czech Republic and the Royal Marines are busy laying waste to the Algarve then you're right. If everyones just trading perfectly normally in their own sensible currencies that take account of their own economic conditions and all we've actually lost is a very expensive unaccountable supranational bureaucracy then you're wrong.


I'll bet a grand that you're wrong.

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Weren't you saying a while back that you were going to vote for UKIP?:suspect:

I said im that sick of the 3 main parties im tempted to vote for UKIP as a protest vote to get a referendum.


No - the amount actually spent (as opposed to underwritten) is significantly less - approx £124 billion.




Do you think the underwritten assets we have guaranteed are actually correct? All the major banks have massive losses on their loans. However, instead of marking these loans to the market value they use mark-to-fiction accounting. That allows them to hide their losses and drip feed these loan losses onto their books over many many years. Its helps for those lovely banker bonuses though.


WE have just given 10 billion to the IMF which is also being used to bail out Europe.


Yup, on top of £30 billion prior.


Maybe you need to take a bit more time reading the news as your wrong again. We haven't given anything to anybody, we have loaned just under £10 billion to the IMF.


Although we'd rather not loan the money, we do benefit from the stability that the IMF is working towards and it would have been churlish not to contribute towards it's resources.


This is peanuts compared to the amount that Eurozone countries have been bailed out, Greece's alone runs into the hundreds of billions.


We can debate this all day. I firmly believe we have been sold a pup and are continuing to be. Even the FT is actually speaking about this now. Nice article from the beeb here for you though. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13798000


Should we get back on topic.


EU referendum.

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Europe is broke. THe EU is run by unelected European Commisioners at great expense.


it's run by the national governments and eu parliament the commission can do nothing without their approval.


The new markets are the BRIC countries. We also have Commonwealth links around the World. These are the markets we should be focussing on.


indeed and i'm sure we are doing, however something like 50% of our trade is with the eu so we simply can't ignore them.

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indeed and i'm sure we are doing, however something like 50% of our trade is with the eu so we simply can't ignore them.


Nobody is suggesting ignoring "them". We continue to trade with "them", being European countries we just don't live under the supranational crap imposed by the EU commision.


The EU is doomed. It committed suicide by pursuing ever closer integration and ever wider expansion at the same time. What works for a peasant village in Romania does not work in Berlin or London and vice versa. Now is the time to leave this mess and give courage to Germany to leave, then the whole corrupt mess collapses and as friendly but free nations we can start to pick up the pieces left by this arrogant experiment in supranationalism.

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