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Websites: Is content really king?

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Well good for getting a listing if you can, but you will get calls trying to flog youan upgrade..... and watch out for the electric meter scammers that will call you....just hang up on them, they're a nuisance and get your data from Thomson Local once you've done a free listing. Possibly worth avoiding now because of that.

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Content will always be king but this is only a few factors out of the 200+ factors Google look at onsite. You need a full rounded SEO plan which includes all the seemingly pointless actions.


It will take time and effort however if your site is original and user friendly the hard work is done it's now about developing the offsite actions.


Google will be launching Algo updates every 90 days or se and the old ways will become less effective.


Happy hunting

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When I first got involved with websites about 7 years ago, I used to be a complete novice at SEO until I stumbled upon a website called High Rankings. Since reading the advice on there, which will also keep you up to date with new SEO developments/practices, today I now consider myself an expert in SEO.


Using the advice on this website alone, I have managed to get over 12,000 unique visitors to my website every month from the search engines (mainly Google). The conversions I get from this traffic is also very good. This has all been done from building good quality content, implementing on-page optimisation, and good quality back linking. However, I have recently taken on board the services of an SEO company to help me build more quality back-links and hopefully give my website another boost for certain keyphrases (which are more competitive).


The High Rankings website is set up in the US, but the principles are the same for UK websites. I hope you find it as useful as I have.


PS - I have no connection with this website; im just wanting to share resources that may help others :)

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You may find this interesting jm79 since you are concentrating on back links, although I am sure you know about this already as you are an expert! :wink:



Yep, im well aware of this :P That's why ive limited my expenditure with the SEO company for building quality back links. However, back-links wont be ruled out by the search engines altogether, so it is still good practise to have them. Over the last 6 months, I have stepped up the integration of social media with my website, so I have no worries about this at all...it was hinted by Google a while back that social media would end up dictating search engine results when they launched Google+. So, by building quality content, with quality back links, and social media integration, im happy that im covering all angles :)

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