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Has BBC Breakfast News become a non-news event?

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havent seen it since the move but it was always poor, even worse on a Saturday.


it's best first thing before they've settled in, especially before they turn all adverty with the guests and stuff.


Who says the BBC isn't commercial! It's one big commercial!

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it's best first thing before they've settled in, especially before they turn all adverty with the guests and stuff.


Who says the BBC isn't commercial! It's one big commercial!


That's just the point I'm making. All the guests are non-guests. You could pass them in the street and still have no idea who they are! And yes, they're only there to promote their up-coming single, or album, or play, or whatever. When the item finishes, I still have no idea who they were and why they were there!

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Is it my imagination, but I've always watched the BBC Breakfast news, and always pretty much thought it was good. Now it's moved to Salford, it seems to me, that people (guests) that they have in the studio are pretty much insignificant, or people you've never heard of. I suspect that anyone who is anyone doesn't want to travel to Salford for a 5 minute slot on BF TV.


Not to mention, what I call the owl syndrome of the presenters. Pretty soon they'll have a compensation claim in for trying to turn their necks through 180 degrees to see the screen that their interviewing someone 100's of miles away...again!...They spend more time swivelling around to talk to someone on screen than i've ever noticed before.


Do you think the BBC has dropped a clanger moving everything to Salford?


I agree with you the news content is around 15-20mins repeated every half hour.

It has become a none event with crap and a showcase for for rubish, they are trying to take ITV,s format. In a morning I want to see news not the Titanic, Olimpics, trailers for BBC programs and sport.

All I want to see is news not idiots outside Westminster, Downing Street and at the Olimpic sites give me news

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Do you think the BBC has dropped a clanger moving everything to Salford?


Not really their fault TBH. Breakfast was supposed to move with the rest of the News department to the new facilities at Broadcasting House next year, but as a result of the reduced Licence Fee settlement the Government slicing some off for their own projects, and adding a load of additional things to be funded by the Licence Fee, they had to sack a load of people.


This then meant that the numbers of staff they were sending up to Manchester Salford (which was just supposed to be the self contained groups of the Sport and Childrens), was lower than the agreed figure that triggered funding for the move. The BBC was then left with the choice of abanoning the move (not politically or publically accessible, as billions would have been wasted, and the majority of the properties they were moving from already had new plans, resulting in a big rent increase meaning more wasted money), or finding a small group who could move up to make up the shortfall. Breakfast happened to have the right numbers.


The other result of this late change in plans, is that there is no dedicated studio space available for Breakfast - they're using the studio office space which was designated for BBC North West (Manchester / Liverpool local news).


Basically, it's all a bodge to keep the Government happy.


is it me or do the studios seems smaller?. the guests and presenters seems to be virtually sitting three foot away for the cameras !. it makes it look and feel like a community tv project.


That's because they're in a converted office, not a TV studio. If you could see behind the plasma TVs used as a background, you'd see blocked up windows.

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