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Royals getting awards again!

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How many charitable companies have you spent time setting up?


What expeditions to promote the cause have you undertaken recently?


Typical keyboard warrior. All mouth no action.


Ecconoob, how many charities have the current crop of royals actually setup? I don't mean their staff have done it for them, but actually set up the charity?


On the expeditions, subject, what expeditions have the royals been on that wasn't in 1st class luxury you or I couldn't access even if we had the money?


traveling to an opening in the most luxurious form of transport going, having everyone wait on you hand and foot. not having to organise a single thing and given everything on a plate, is no hardship!

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Who cares? It's not as if the award is from the UN or the Nobel Prize committee, just some strange US based organisation which "promotes transatlantic co-operation and international security"


Maybe real people who work hard to setup charities should get awarded rather than born to privilege royals who actually have nothing better to do.

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Maybe real people who work hard to setup charities should get awarded rather than born to privilege royals who actually have nothing better to do.




Maybe, just maybe, a Royal fronting a charity means the good cause will attract more donations from richer and better connected international patrons. The bottom line for charities is not how but how much and if Harry touches the rich and famous for a bit more then it's all good. Except, of course, for the envious and small minded anti royal Socialists.

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Maybe, just maybe, a Royal fronting a charity means the good cause will attract more donations from richer and better connected international patrons. The bottom line for charities is not how but how much and if Harry touches the rich and famous for a bit more then it's all good. Except, of course, for the envious and small minded anti royal Socialists.


Loons-all of them.:hihi:

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