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Royals getting awards again!

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I am so tired of this family and the antiquated trappings that surround it. They revel in their silly pantomime uniforms


and their equally silly meaningless grandiose titles, for instance Camilla is now Her Royal Highness The Princess Charles Philip Arthur George, Princess of Wales and Countess of Chester, Duchess of Cornwall, Duchess of Rothesay, Countess of Carrick, Baroness of Renfrew, Lady of the Isles, Princess of Scotland, Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order.

I would dearly love to see these people stripped of their power, influence and money, given a council flat and then we would see how they cope with life without the advantages that an accident of birth has given them.

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I am so tired of this family and the antiquated trappings that surround it. They revel in their silly pantomime uniforms


and their equally silly meaningless grandiose titles, for instance Camilla is now Her Royal Highness The Princess Charles Philip Arthur George, Princess of Wales and Countess of Chester, Duchess of Cornwall, Duchess of Rothesay, Countess of Carrick, Baroness of Renfrew, Lady of the Isles, Princess of Scotland, Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order.

I would dearly love to see these people stripped of their power, influence and money, given a council flat and then we would see how they cope with life without the advantages that an accident of birth has given them.


So you would rather copy the Americans or the Germans or the Irish, and have a political head of state? Or one that gets appointed by the politicos?


We have a system that the world admires, its uniqueness differentiates us from otherr nations such as,..... well all other nations actually.


Revel in your difference, your Britishness. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

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In the 70s the Queen went on an official visit to Mexico, a team of businessmen went with her, in one day they obtained £5m of orders. They unanimouslly said that the presence of the queen was fundamental.


That was 40 years ago, the Royal family have more than paid there way. If people cant see beyond the pageantry to the solid commercial benefit of the royals then they should look into it more thouroughly.


To replace them with a President who would you vote for?


President Blair, Brown, Thatcher, Prescott, ? name the person who would do a better job.


President Julian Clary who has royal affectations,and could accommodate any number of businessmen at a single sitting.

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So you would rather copy the Americans or the Germans or the Irish, and have a political head of state? Or one that gets appointed by the politicos?


We have a system that the world admires, its uniqueness differentiates us from otherr nations such as,..... well all other nations actually.


Revel in your difference, your Britishness. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN


I have seen no evidence that the world admires our system and my Britishness most certainly does not depend on this family of ingrates.

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I have seen no evidence that the world admires our system and my Britishness most certainly does not depend on this family of ingrates.


Either you havent looked very hard or you are so set in your sad predjudice that you incapable of rational analysis.


The Royal family are worth billions. In tourism, in the fact that the queen is still head of the Commonwealth and the head of state for about 20% of the worlds population with the consequent benefit finacially and otherwise to this country.


The aussies and canadians have considered replacing her and decuded against it. So will the Jamacans.


Think yourself lucky you are British, this jewel set in the silver sea.


God Save the queen

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I have seen no evidence that the world admires our system and my Britishness most certainly does not depend on this family of ingrates.


Have you considered emigration? which country has a system that you prefer?

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They have done extemely good work that is going to be of benefit to thousands. Why the hell shouldn't they be rewarded.



Because they already get paid quite well by the taxpayer, live a life of luxury and have nothing better to do. Why don't they just get ordinary jobs like others do instead of relying on privilege to do just what's good for publicity.


Working for a charity is a great sound bite until you realise just how much money they make, waste and then pay the directors and staff.


Whoever gives to charity just because some famous tosser is on board is stupid.

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They are working moron.


How do you think charities run? They need people meeting contacts, setting things up, providing consulting and insight, providing publicity and awareness, getting support from international and national orgnaisations, getting support from other countries governments and politicians.


You dont just turn up in a warzone, disaster site, third world country, hospital, community group or other organisation to do your thing without planning, stategy, compliance and permission.


Influence from the royals and other high profile figures gets that permission. They have the contacts, they have the influence.


How many times do I have to say this. THEY ALL HAVE JOBS! The older princes own and run companies, the younger princes are both serving army personnel and the Queen herself has a endless diary full of national and international official engagements, government and head of state meetings, reading and signing orders, laws, bills, warrants, correspondence, acts and statutes, community and civil engagements, appointing and warranting judicial ministers and judges, managing the household/palaces/staff/vehicles and official procedures. All those responsibilities, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week constantly maintaining a composed appearance in front of the eyes of her country and the world every day since 1952.


Think is so easy eh?

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So, His Royal Highness The Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York, Earl of Inverness, Baron Killyleagh, Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Canadian Forces Decoration, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, His Grace The Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, owns and runs his own company, could you give us the name of the company?

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