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Royals getting awards again!

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That would of course be the retired pilot, colonel, naval commander and Ministry of Defence Directorate Prince Andrew.


The ex government trade representative who is still working as a representative of the Department for Innovation and Skills. Also founding patron of two organisations, promoting trade links with EMA and a charity for blindness and eye disease and a board director of the Scouts Association.


Yes, clearly doing nothing isn't he.

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Ok mr pedantic. Yes I admit I forgot about Andy. Yes he clearly does not "own" a company.


My point is that they all have jobs. They all have responsibilities. They have all done something. Including - for most if not all of the senior royals - some form of military training and/or service. All this talk that they just sit on their backsides being waited on hand and foot is just nonesense.

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Ok so Andrew isn’t quite the hardworking successful businessman you tried to sell us, so to be fair, lets look at Edward or rather His Royal Highness The Prince Edward Antony Richard Louis, Earl of Wessex, Viscount Severn, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Aide de Camp to Her Majesty. Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO), Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (KCVO), Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO) Royal Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter (KG), Aide-de-camp to Her Majesty Honorary Member of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit (SOM).

This particular HRH obtained a C-grade and two D-grades, he was then allowed to study at Jesus College, Cambridge reading history. His admission to Cambridge was a disgusting abuse of power and influence, his A-level grades were far below the ‘straight A’s’ required from our children, he scrapped a lower second class honours.

He then joined the armed forces and who can forget the nations pride when, less than a third of the way through his training, daddy had to go fetch him home in the middle of the night, but that wasn’t allowed to affect his progress, bypassing the lesser mortals to the rank of Royal Honorary Colonel of The London Regiment, Colonel of the Royal Wessex Yeomanry, Royal Honorary Colonel of the London Regiment, Royal Colonel of the 2nd Battalion, The Rifles, Honorary Air Commodore Royal Air Force Waddington, Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

HRH then decided to that he was rather good at acting, he worked Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Really Useful Theatre Company with no success, following this with the unforgettable triumph that was ‘It’s a Royal Knockout’. He then formed Ardent Productions, surprise surprise the company never made a profit and eventually closed with assets of £40.

Is this what you think we should be proud of ?

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Probably not but there are skeletons in every family cupboard.


There are plenty of failed businessmen, there are plenty of people who get into university who dont deserve it.


He is hardly much of a high profile royal. Nor is he the one who has got the awards that have so much angered the OP.


Im not justifying my comments any further. The points being laboured and is getting completely irrelevant to the OP.


Quite simply I am sick to death of the standardised crap of "they dont do anything" "why dont they work for a living" "why dont they get a normal job" .... blah blah boo hoo.


Whether you like them or not - they are not going away.


Say what you like but they all work in some way or another (no matter how trivial you claim it to be), their status contributes more than you could imagine and back on track - no charity work and/or subsequent recognition and rewards should ever be put down.

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Hey it was you who called us morons and tried to sell us the lie when you wrote " How many times do I have to say this. THEY ALL HAVE JOBS! The older princes own and run companies," so don't go blaming me for putting the record straight. You may be "sick to death of the standardised crap" but facts are facts.

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It's not fair boo hoo hoo ..... jeeez some people need to get a life instead of bleating about what others have and they don't, what they have to do and others don't, really sad, bitter and twisted, especially the haters !


Typical, when you loose an argument you resort to childish insults.

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Typical, when you loose an argument you resort to childish insults.


What ?? Show me the argument I have lost and show me where I have used childish insults ? You have lost me, I gave an opinion which conflicts with yours, is that not allowed :huh: The childish one here seems to be you rainbow so I assume you have loosened your argument :loopy:

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What ?? Show me the argument I have lost and show me where I have used childish insults ? You have lost me, I gave an opinion which conflicts with yours, is that not allowed :huh: The childish one here seems to be you rainbow so I assume you have loosened your argument :loopy:


I am sorry I thought that you would be able to understand that I was using the collective 'you' including other posters in my remark. The idea of a discussion forum is to exchange ideas and opinions but "Boo Hoo Hoo....jeez you people need to get a life" does not advance your argument and appears to be the remarks of someone who is unable to formulate a coherent response. You really should brush up on your grammar, I think you meant to say "you have lost your argument" not "loosened" you really should take more care, after all it is the Queens English :bigsmile:

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