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Chicken Pox remedy

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I had chicken pox as an adult and, in addition to coating my body with liberal amounts of calamine lotion, I soaked in colloidal oatmeal baths. Very soothing. Aveeno is the brand I used but I don't know if you have that in England.

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Savlon cream for bites and stings worked wonders for my daughter - it took the itch right out of the blisters. Combined with calomine lotion, she was a lot more comfortable. Its also worth putting gloves on her at night, as she might not realise she's scratching when asleep. Add a little Calpol for the fever and she should be right as rain :)


PS. Not sure if you know but even if she's got loads of scabs she's fine to go back to school etc., as long as all the blisters have scabbed over.

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