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Islamic Society Speaker advocates killing Gays

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@stingrayman yes I understand that but we do not push our views on other people, do we?? I am chrsitian but do push that on others do I?? why is it silly?? I am sorry but they have no right to dictate how others live!!! we all have to tolarate these people even though we do not want to as poltical correctness has gone so mad in my opinion.


I disagree with you, they are not right and will never be right, while I am not always right I think I am on this one I am afraid. :rant::rant::rant::rant:

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Latest information.


"For reasons obvious to many members of this group venue has been changed. yet everyone is still invited for Sheikh Murtuza's lecture at:

Masjid Attaqwa and Somali Community Centre

31-33 Andover Street

Sheffield, S3 9EE

+44 114 278 7488"


This was posted on the University of Sheffield Atheist Society Facebook page.

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Yes you're right. A magical man in the sky who created the entire world on his own, without being created himself and who watches over us every single day judging us until the time we die when he decides whether we have been good enough to spend eternity in his magical happy-land or bad enough to be burned in a fire is much more sensible.


Sorry for my stupidity.


Not very tolorent are you fella? If someone wants to follow a religion or not it is up to them, being offensive about/ridiculing religion or God makes you just as bad as a religious extremist in my eyes.

I'm a muslim and I don't feel the need to kill gay people or non believers, being a muslim doesn't make you an extremist.

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Not very tolorent are you fella? If someone wants to follow a religion or not it is up to them, being offensive about/ridiculing religion or God makes you just as bad as a religious extremist in my eyes.

I'm a muslim and I don't feel the need to kill gay people or non believers, being a muslim doesn't make you an extremist.


I think your banging your head against a wall with that one im afraid.

In one ear out the other.

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You can still live a perfectly egalitarian, unselfish and charitable life without bringing religion into it.


A good way to live your life is by the "am I being a turd" method, whereby you avoid taking action that would entail you being a turd. Of course, different people have different ideas of what might constitute being a turd, but if we teach children how not to be turds when they're young enough, we just might be able to install some sort of societal norm as regards being a turd.


I just :love: you Jimmy Lasers.


This thread is just about all Sheffield Forum needs for the brown sticky stuff to hit the spinny thing....oh yes...turds :D


Your post is SO good I have just pinched it and used it as my latest facebook status update....including a credit to you :)

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The audience at this event will presumably be university students who should be the brightest young people in our community and therefore able to evaluate what is being said and draw their own conclusions on the content f the presentation.


:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: Its the way he tells 'em. :hihi:

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I just find it odd that we have a man indicating that throwing people down a hill because of their sexuality, and then, if they're not already dead, everyone should line up and throw rocks at them until they are certainly dead.


"Dead yet?"

"He's still moving ... I think."

"More rocks! You ... bring me rocks!"


Yet if somebody pokes a little fun at religion - that's equally as awful. I'd rather listen to jokes than have my skull crushed - as personal choice goes.

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