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Islamic Society Speaker advocates killing Gays

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Not very tolorent are you fella? If someone wants to follow a religion or not it is up to them, being offensive about/ridiculing religion or God makes you just as bad as a religious extremist in my eyes.

I'm a muslim and I don't feel the need to kill gay people or non believers, being a muslim doesn't make you an extremist.


What a very dangerous and worrying point of view. In your eyes, someone advocating the murder or innocent people is the same as someone ridiculing unfounded belief on a message board.


I am perfectly tolerant to people's religions when they encroach in non-religious people's lives in no way whatsoever, when they are not afforded concessions which are not entitled to the non-religious and when it is practiced in way in which no other person needs to be subjected to it. However, that isn't the world we live in, and so I will utilise my right to counter religious dogma with science and reason thank you

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It is some logic to accuse people who form their views from real life and experience of being ' closed minded ' where as people who read an ancient book and believe it all for no reason whatsoever are ' open minded ' .


Oh , by the way do you believe in murdering gay people? You seem to have not answered the question ...


Maybe the question has not been answered because the answer would be quite shocking.


This is a little old now, and Islamic extremism has apparently calmed since, but this 2004 Pew study gives a sobering view of some notoriously religious country's views of non-religious people



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