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Islamic Society Speaker advocates killing Gays

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Fruitcakes Stevie 1957 I bit offensive to other nutty people don`t you think?? he he just kidding that made me smile we would not want to upset the raving looney party lol. :) :) :thumbsup::thumbsup::banana::banana::banana:

Need to take a rain check on your post MrsDavies. ;)

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If only those two guys were dressed as Muhammed and Jesus, it could have been so much better.

Have a look at him in the brown dressing gown and the white skullcap.


These gay people have got it right.

Love vs. Hate, Tolerance vs. Intolerance. That’s what it’s all about.

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Oh ok then gays are evil but they are not evil for flying two planes into the Twin Towers and killing all those innocent people on September 11th, who did nothing wrong they were just going about their daily business, being gay is not a choice, you are born that way and these people make me sick with their ignorant, one sided religious rants. Why do these people feel the need to push their religion on others it also says in the Bible do unto others as you would have them do unto you Luke chapter 6 verse 31 it is the golden rule, perhaps this mad man should remember when he spouting rubbish about gays. :rant: :rant: :mad: :mad: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused: :confused:


tolerance works both ways instead of going on a rant why dont you realise people are allowed to have their own views and opinions, it is your choice to believe that it is fine being gay, it is another persons chioce to disagree with that. neither person is right or wrong they are just different opinions and getting upset like that is abit silly tbh

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