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Islamic Society Speaker advocates killing Gays

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God doesnt exist. Its been proven by people who can't prove otherwise.


Yes I agree, I was simply pointing out that anyone who believes that the bible is the word of God should agree with the Islamic preacher. He was after all only quoting it verbatim

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but thats your opinion and just because you think it is wrong does'nt make it so.


im not saying it is right and i dont agree with it but i understand that is anothers opinion and they have their right to that, just as i have a right to my opinion.


But my opinion is not to kill people i dont agree with. That is intrinscly wrong. Thats my point.

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Thats quite insulting to the billions of people world wide who believe different.


So? You can have whatever ridiculous views you want, it doesn't mean he has to tip toe around them.


If I believed I was Vortron, Leader of the Carrots I shouldn't expect you to respect my opinion and not question me when pushing my views in public.

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Thats quite insulting to the billions of people world wide who dont believe different.


The fact I dont believe in god is not insulting to anyone. If you can proove god exists I am prepared to change my opinion.

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So? You can have whatever ridiculous views you want, it doesn't mean he has to tip toe around them.


If I believed I was Vortron, Leader of the Carrots I shouldn't expect you to respect my opinion and not question me when pushing my views in public.


I believe elvis lives. Doesn't make it true. Doesn't give me a right to stone non believers.

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Yes I agree, I was simply pointing out that anyone who believes that the bible is the word of God should agree with the Islamic preacher. He was after all only quoting it verbatim


The bible and quoran are convinient scapegoats for a lot of bad which happens in the world. Whatever happened to personal responsibility.

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