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Islamic Society Speaker advocates killing Gays

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I think we may have wandered a little off-topic and into the realm of having a go at god but I am sure he can take it. Hallam staff have intervened and the talk will not be taking place on University grounds.


I am sure the Islamic Society will find somewhere to hold the talk that doesn't have a problem hosting speakers of hatred and oppression. Last time the University stepped in to block an event, they moved it to the Pakistani Muslim Centre in Woodbourne Road.

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You cant prove anything to a closed mind :)


It is some logic to accuse people who form their views from real life and experience of being ' closed minded ' where as people who read an ancient book and believe it all for no reason whatsoever are ' open minded ' .


Oh , by the way do you believe in murdering gay people? You seem to have not answered the question ...

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Maybe someone should ask him who is going to kill the gays! Make him name names.

Then the police can get involved as it would be a death threat. Wanting to kill someone because of their sexual preferences shows how bad religion can be.

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It is some logic to accuse people who form their views from real life and experience of being ' closed minded ' where as people who read an ancient book and believe it all for no reason whatsoever are ' open minded ' .


Oh , by the way do you believe in murdering gay people? You seem to have not answered the question ...


We can’t get an answer from him. By avoiding answering the question it speaks volumes.

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I think we may have wandered a little off-topic and into the realm of having a go at god but I am sure he can take it. Hallam staff have intervened and the talk will not be taking place on University grounds.


I am sure the Islamic Society will find somewhere to hold the talk that doesn't have a problem hosting speakers of hatred and oppression. Last time the University stepped in to block an event, they moved it to the Pakistani Muslim Centre in Woodbourne Road.


I'm suprised something serious hasn't kicked off in that area with there being a large Muslim population and Sheffield's equivalant of Soho nearby.

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He should be allowed to speak. His views need to be exposed and debated then they will be shown for the joke that they are.


If he is banned from speaking he will cite a gay conspriacy theory and a denial of freedom of speach.

The people listening to him will not see his views as a joke. They are devout Muslims. I doubt anyone will turn up to protest or even attend the talk who isn't a Muslim. I would feel intimidated if I went on my own.


Maybe someone should ask him who is going to kill the gays! Make him name names.

Then the police can get involved as it would be a death threat. Wanting to kill someone because of their sexual preferences shows how bad religion can be.


It is not that simple. He believes he has God on his side and i am sure he would not be silly enough to back himself into a potential criminal charge. He is already on video saying they should be thrown from mountains and then stoned.


I'm suprised something serious hasn't kicked off in that area with there being a large Muslim population and Sheffield's equivalant of Soho nearby.


No one seems that bothered about what radical Islam is preaching and how it is influencing young Muslims in Sheffield. I don't even know of any LBGT groups in the area that may want to organise a protest. I feel so sorry for any Muslims who are gay or bisexual. What choices do they have realistically?

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