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New Years Resolutions 2006

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Originally posted by susiepoosie

Mine is to get myself on Sheffeld forum site more often as just got broadband and the world as they say, is now my lobster! Oh, yeah and to lose that extra 8 stone!


Those two resolutions seem to clash in my mind. Are you planning to view the forum while you're exercising? :lol:

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Originally posted by Deavon

*If I had kept the last 5 year's worth of resolutions I would now be a thin pianist who spoke fluent Spanish and had a great physique that I showed off every time I took my sober self out in Sheffield city centre.


LOL Thanks for that Deavon :D


I'm going to try a bit harder to get off the 'puter...again :help: then maybe I might do some of the other things I said.

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Mine will be...


Seek employment...

Start taking care of No. 1...

Look on the brighter side of things...

Embrace good luck with open arms...

Follow my dreams...


Here's to 2006! may it be a better year... for all those who've had a tough time during 2005! :)



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Originally posted by kirky

ive decided to start smoking:thumbsup:


You planning to kill yourself in 2006 then? :hihi: :hihi:


Smoking's nasty mate, don't do it. it's not worth the hassle.. And the expense, you seen the price of a packet of fags?! WTF?!

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Originally posted by JoeP

And to FINALLY stop biting my nails.


After 36 or so years it might be a struggle. I've tried before and managed for a while then a stress-storm hit and I started nibbling again.


Thats one of mine this year (as it so often is)


Thing is I can say "right I'm stopping now" and thats fine, I can go for weeks without, and then suddenly I realise I'm doing it again.


anyway, other resolutions:


Stay in closer touch with friends and family than I have done this year


Really go for the things I know I want in life, and just go for them and don't sit at home thinking out the best way of doing it.


Not be down on myself and concentrate on accentuating my good qualities (I do have some, I promise!)

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I'm another smoker determined to give up completely with no help.


My other resolutions though are:


1) Carry on with the scriptwriting

2) Get some work experience sorted for over the summer

3) make at least one short film

4) Get a GOOD place to live next year at Uni, with people I am friends with.

5) Spend less time on the internet, it's no substitute for a real life.



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