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UK debt over 1 trillion again.

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Uk debt is back over £1trillion again, in spite of the cuts and measures Cameron and co have put in place.


Growth is flatlining, and unemployment still 2.5million. Small private businesses and manufacturing are struggling and big business is not taking up the shortfall from cutting the public sector.


What next? Any ideas?

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Uk debt is back over £1trillion again, in spite of the cuts and measures Cameron and co have put in place.


Growth is flatlining, and unemployment still 2.5million. Small private businesses and manufacturing are struggling and big business is not taking up the shortfall from cutting the public sector.


What next? Any ideas?



It doesn't take a lot of money to go into a trillion debt especially if your debt was just under a trillion previously.

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It doesn't take a lot of money to go into a trillion debt especially if your debt was just under a trillion previously.


OK. So what should they do? More cuts (and what?) different strategy (like what?)


We are supposed to be suffering to get the debt down. We are, but it isn't.


Can we realistically ever repay it?

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I've got to agree. What was the point of putting VAT up (and all the other cuts) if it's not touching the debt?


Clearly, Something's not working.


Mind you, with such a corrupt political system, is it any wonder?


Edit: I just don't see what any of us can do about it!

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OK. So what should they do? More cuts (and what?) different strategy (like what?)


We are supposed to be suffering to get the debt down. We are, but it isn't.


Can we realistically ever repay it?



God only knows..I tend not to work in Trillions, a few thou is my limit.


If the figure is a trillion then diverting the cost of one nuclear sub (or one warhead) to the deficit would take the debt below a trillion. I just don't see the relevance of "over a trillion" as it would be very easy to reduce it to under. All you need to do is throw in a penny and bob's yer uncle.

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OK. So what should they do? More cuts (and what?) different strategy (like what?)


We are supposed to be suffering to get the debt down. We are, but it isn't.


Can we realistically ever repay it?


I'm not sure we can but we need to be seen to reduce it so we can still borrow money without paying wonga-type levels of interest.


Or we could reverse it all and just watch it go up. There are really only two choices aren't there ?

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Uk debt is back over £1trillion again, in spite of the cuts and measures Cameron and co have put in place.


Growth is flatlining, and unemployment still 2.5million. Small private businesses and manufacturing are struggling and big business is not taking up the shortfall from cutting the public sector.


What next? Any ideas?


The plan was never to cut the debt, the plan as always been to cut the deficit, that’s the amount by which the debt increases.

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Uk debt is back over £1trillion again, in spite of the cuts and measures Cameron and co have put in place.


Growth is flatlining, and unemployment still 2.5million. Small private businesses and manufacturing are struggling and big business is not taking up the shortfall from cutting the public sector.


What next? Any ideas?




Best way to encourage growth, cut 50p of the cost of a litre of petrol.


People suddenly have extra cash which can then be spent in the economy (instead of all spare income going on petrol). Businesses grow, pay more tax, take more people on who then pay more tax, who then have cash to spend in the economy.


Dole queue are down, less money spent on welfare, more money comes in taxes etc... etc...


But that won't happen because of the Green agenda. Many people campain against car usage - but funnily, the people who campain against car usage are often not too keen to give up their own car

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OK. So what should they do? More cuts (and what?) different strategy (like what?)


We are supposed to be suffering to get the debt down. We are, but it isn't.


Can we realistically ever repay it?


You are mixing up debt and deficit. One is the total much the Gvt owes, the other is by how much / fast that amount is growing and how much it has to borrow to service the debt that it already owes. Increasing the deficit is like paying the monthly minimum amount of one credit card with another credit card.


But don't worry it's a common problem, but if you're going to have this as a hobby horse that you demonstrate about it would be wise to understand what you are protesting about. ;)


Without checking, ISTR that the debt is planned to reach around £1.4 trillion. Imagine how much more it would be if the cuts weren't in place and the deficit was allowed to continue to grow with additional borrowing.


Don't ever realistically expect to repay the debt. However, once the deficit is under control it can begin to be paid down.

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