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Recession or no recession - what's it like in your house?

What's it like in your house? Recession or no recession?  

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  1. 1. What's it like in your house? Recession or no recession?

    • Recession
    • Nothing's really changed
    • No recession

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Today is a rainy day, there is both drought and floods in the UK.


The UK has entered double dip recession and youth unemployment has never been higher.


Your parents lived in the good old days, today young people use hand me down furniture and live on beans and toast, just to pay the rent!


Where is your housing thread today? I'm surprised there isn't one.

Especially on a day when we hear about this double dip recession,and how badly the building construction industry has been effected.

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Where is your housing thread today? I'm surprised there isn't one.

Especially on a day when we hear about this double dip recession,and how badly the building construction industry has been effected.


Go on then, I'll post one.

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So far i've been one of the lucky ones,the recession hasn't affected me,but then i'm not an elderly frail person or disabled. Or living in a family home where living conditions are below standards that are not the fault of the parents.

The goverment has had two years in office,they blamed the last goverment for the economy problems,(probably they were right)but so far their spending plan has failed,and they arn't going to change it.

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Today is a rainy day, there is both drought and floods in the UK.


The UK has entered double dip recession and youth unemployment has never been higher.


Your parents lived in the good old days, today young people use hand me down furniture and live on beans and toast, just to pay the rent!


beans on toast... that's a luxury...when we were kids it was boiled bacon bones to make watery soup...oh! for a tin of beans...:hihi:

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Guest sibon

Good question.


I've still got a job and I earn more than I spend, so from that point of view, things are ok. There is food on the table, the mortgage gets paid and I can afford a few luxuries.


Longer term, the picture is a lot more bleak. I haven't had a pay rise for three years and won't get one for at least two more. Inflation is running at about 5%, so I'm going to be 20%+ worse off than I was. My pension is being slashed, VAT is up, the pound has been devalued etc, etc. The same for lots of people, I know.


I don't think that anyone will appreciate the full extent of the effects of this recession for some time yet.


On the upside, I can't eat pastry and I'm not a pensioner yet, so I'm unaffected by George Osbourne's latest attempts to close the deficit.

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go on...and i will have a nice bungalow...only three more years and i can apply..happy days


I hope you have the money to buy a nice bungalow, Sheffield council don't have many!


However, once you are over 60 you could get a bedsit easily. ;)

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There really isn't any need to use tabloid language like "soars", which implies the cost of living is going up by a ridiculous amount. It isn't.


For some people the cost of luxuries such as running a car is rising slightly higher than their wages, but in terms of affording essentials like food, mortgage and utilities, most of us are managing reasonably well.


A means of transport to get to work is hardly a luxury is it!

Food prices have gone up, utility prices have actually risen quite a lot, only mortgages are cheap and that will only last until this ridiculous interest rate is raised.

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I hope you have the money to buy a nice bungalow, Sheffield council don't have many!


However, once you are over 60 you could get a bedsit easily. ;)


you will find that there are some nice ones in the north of the city...and the rent is reasonable

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