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Britain is officially back in recession. Double-dipping

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The way you write anyone would think that the wealthy are a new phenomenon. Mittal is clearly cleverer and more resourceful than most of his fellow Indians, even the ones that he employs.


Pulling people down to your level or lower is not the solution to your problems.


I agree.


When a capitalist sees a wealthy man he thinks "I wish I was as rich as him". When a socialist sees a wealthy man he thinks "I wish he was as poor as me".

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But if it's a cycle then eventually a boom will follow the bust phase we're currently going through. This means that the government doesn't need to do anything different, just ride out this short term recession phase and we can look forward to good times ahead within a year or two.


The cycle doesn’t happen all on its own its a result of policies that the electorate want and the government put in place, which they hope will make them better off.

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The cycle doesn’t happen all on its own its a result of policies that the electorate want and the government put in place, which they hope will make them better off.


Actually there are economic and business cycles of varying wavelengths that pretty much happen anyway. A savvy government will hang onto the coat tails of the upswings. Nice reminder of my undergraduate days spent in endless seminars about kondratieff, kuznets cycles etc...

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High enemployment is a price worth paying for low inflation. Today's papers are quoting what Disasterous Dave said yesterday in the nicest possible way.


Unfortunately he's managed to achieve both high unemployment and high inflation.

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This means that the government doesn't need to do anything different, just ride out this short term recession phase and we can look forward to good times ahead within a year or two.


Weve been here since 2008. Are you saying we will be out of it by 2014?


Ill hold you to it. :hihi:

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And both are going to get higher. :(



The right team are in power, After a decade of loony reds it will take time to put things right. They should cut more benefits and sack those that do not produce in the public sector.

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Fortunately the French, quite possibly, are going to elect someone rather left wing in the near future. It will be like our very crystal ball to see what could happen under a more (rather than centre left of Blair ) far left government.


Also they have a turn out far higher than ours. I wonder why ?

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The right team are in power, After a decade of loony reds it will take time to put things right. They should cut more benefits and sack those that do not produce in the public sector.


What good would sacking the public sector workers do.

Surely if they are in employment they pay income taxes, and contribute to the local and national economy the same as anyone else.


Thousands more on the dole, having to claim council tax/rent rebate,free prescriptions, extra help for their children ie free school meals ect.

Probably have to sell the family car. Would result in loss of hundreds of thousands of pounds to the countries coffers


Putting thousand more on the dole, means there would be thousands less contributing to the economy. Causing even bigger deficits, than we have now

and taxes going up. It would be never ending downward spiral

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