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Britain is officially back in recession. Double-dipping

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A truly depressing day all round then, our beloved government are proving themselves as the right bunch of corrupt incompetents I'd always thought they would be, I did hope to be proved wrong.


......... awaits the usual Tory apologists comments regarding the previous administration, as per. (wearing a bit thin now)


....and the difference is what? You slag them and they slag you which pretty much echoes politics through and through.

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I wonder what would happen if all three parties were to join forces - would they then work together to get the country back on its feet?


I know - I'm definitely in lah lah land!


government of national unity? Its happened before, but only in times of war.

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I wonder what revelations Mr Murdoch will come up with today. Most of the Tories will be cringing in anticipation! Just to add to their incompetent woes!


the revelations are more damaging to the current government, but there will be more in the woodwork about the likes of phoney blair and his cronies I assume.

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No surprise there then is there? What with pastie tax and grannie tax. I'm sure if I have to pay a few pence more my beloved hot pastie (after carefully measuring the temperature of course), it will instantly get us out of recession!


Nowt to do with pasties. The figures are for the last 3 months of 2011 and the first 3 months of this year. The Pasty Tax was only announced this month. It's the first double-dip recession since the 70s - an 18 month recession thanks to Labour and now 6 months thanks to the Tories and Lib Dems.

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