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Britain is officially back in recession. Double-dipping

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It's nothing new, the economists were saying back in September last year we were doomed. Still, the RW bullies on here and other web sites will try and deny we're in recession again and try to bury the bad news with something else no doubt. You know what they're like ....

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Nowt to do with pasties. The figures are for the last 3 months of 2011 and the first 3 months of this year. The Pasty Tax was only announced this month.


It just goes to show the lefties don't understand basic economics!


Its interesting to note that the OPs link also featured the following:


It's worth mentioning that these GDP figures are provisional: they will be revised in a month and the margin of error is 0.2pc - up or down. So if they're changed it could slump as low as a 0.4pc contraction, and the best it could get is stagnation - which would at least keep us just out of recession.


Lets hope that the error is there.


And also:


The fall was driven by a sharp fall in construction output and there are question marks over the reliability of these numbers. That said, the drop in construction was smaller than anticipated and, even without this, output would have done no better than stagnate.


But we would not dismiss today's figures so readily. And even if the underlying picture is stronger than the official GDP figures show, there is no guarantee that the recent pick-up will continue. Indeed, we remain comfortable with our view that GDP will contract by about 0.5pc this year.


Hmmm, construction output fell during the cold winter months. Who'd have thought it?

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It's nothing new, the economists were saying back in September last year we were doomed. Still, the RW bullies on here and other web sites will try and deny we're in recession again and try to bury the bad news with something else no doubt. You know what they're like ....
Why do you (often) use the term 'bullies' to describe people who are not lefties?


I've not seen right-of-centre posters on here bullying anybody, just receiving grief and spittle from the left.

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the RW bullies on here and other web sites will try and deny we're in recession again and try to bury the bad news with something else no doubt. You know what they're like ....


aside from the dig at those who support the government, which is unjust I feel, can you please provide some evidence of anyone denying we're in a recession on here?

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aside from the dig at those who support the government, which is unjust I feel, can you please provide some evidence of anyone denying we're in a recession on here?


Post #22 above looks like an object lesson in denial.


Quite touching really. The reality is the figures won't be revised for months. Until then we'll still be in recession. Officially.

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Post #22 above looks like an object lesson in denial.


Quite touching really. The reality is the figures won't be revised for months. Until then we'll still be in recession. Officially.


Agreed, we are in recession, no one can deny this. Post #22 looks to be wishful thinking, but alchresearch didn't outright deny anything, just noted these figures are provisional. If anything alchresearch was acting as an apologist, not a denier.


Macky claims people on here and elsewhere have denied we are in a recession. I am yet to see anyone denying it.

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Its all going south for this government it would see. Does this mean we are in need of a change? Or would a change do more damage? The only alternative is Labour and they have even less of a clue.


I agree. Labour are as much in the hands of big business as the Tories are.


They are just Tory Story 2. But less funny.

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Post #22 above looks like an object lesson in denial.


Quite touching really. The reality is the figures won't be revised for months. Until then we'll still be in recession. Officially.


Not at all. Some of us knew things were bad before the Tories took power.


But there is more to the problem than simply "the tories done it" and other negativity like we normally get on here.


This is a global problem and has been since 2008. Yet I don't recall many of the usual posters who start these kind of threads doing so while Labour was in power.

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Post #22 above looks like an object lesson in denial.


Quite touching really. The reality is the figures won't be revised for months. Until then we'll still be in recession. Officially.


You make it sound like bad news, this is good news.

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